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词汇 out with
例句 His pocket is burning out with his money.他不把袋里的钱花光就不肯罢休。Going out with him smacks of desperation.和他一起出去有铤而走险的意味。The translations were carried out with the assistance of a medical dictionary.这些翻译是借助一本医学词典完成的。My friends bailed me out with economic aid.我的朋友们从经济上帮助我使我脱离困境。She bustled in and out with shopping in one arm and the baby in the other.她忙碌地奔进来,一手臂抱着所购之物,另一手臂抱着婴儿。We set out with enough provisions for the day.我们出发时带了足够一天的食物及饮料。They fitted the orphan out with a new suit.他们给那孤儿置了一套新衣服。I went into the store for some tomatoes and came out with two bags of groceries.我走进商店去买些番茄,结果出来时拎了两袋杂货。Let's start out with some warm-up exercises.咱们从热身运动开始。The floats in the parade were decked out with flags.游行队伍中的彩车用旗帜装饰起来。The kids are always good about helping out with the chores.孩子们总是很乖,会帮着做做家务。You never know what the children are going to come out with.你永远无法知道孩子们会突然说出什么话来。Sally's having a night out with the girls from the office.萨莉和办公室的一帮女友晚上出去玩。In the Cup Final, Leeds battled it out with the old enemy, Manchester United.在足总杯决赛中,利兹联队和宿敌曼彻斯特联队一决胜负。The balloon swelled out with gas.气球因充气而膨胀。He'll probably go out with her just to get back at me.他约她出去,可能就是为了报复我。He laid his opponent out with a hard right to the jaw.他以右拳猛击对手下颚,将其击倒。She has bowled him out with that question.她那个问题把他给问住了。He felt offended that she didn't want to go out with him.她不想和他约会,他很不高兴。He has fallen out with Jack.他跟杰克吵翻了。You must have the whole matter out with him.你必须同他开诚布公地谈谈,把事情都解决掉。How did you make out with them?你是如何和他们相处下去的?Jenny's going out with a real weirdo.珍妮正和一个十分古怪的人交往。Some of the boys were nice enough, but she didn't want to go out with them.有些男孩子很不错,但她不想跟他们约会。He went out with a cigarette in the corner of his mouth.他嘴角叼了一支烟走了出去。It is not a good idea to pull knots out with a comb.用梳子把缠结的头发梳开并不是个好主意。When you're a new kid in town, you always have to punch it out with the kids the first day or so.倘若你是新来乍到,那你就得在开头的一两天里跟城里的孩子们打出个输赢来。I will not fall out with you over such a petty issue.我不会因这个小问题而与你争吵。She fell out with some of her school friends.她和几个要好的同学闹翻了。The office was flooded out with complaints.办公室里全是控诉材料。Peter is always coming out with gnomic utterances/pronouncements.彼得老是发表些高深莫测的意见。He tried to blow his brains out with a shotgun.他试图用猎枪打爆他的脑壳。Highways and railways help out with the transportation problem.公路和铁路有助于解决运输问题。She's going for a boozy night out with her friends.她要去参加一个夜间聚会,和朋友们痛饮一番。The young lady decked herself out with jewels.这个年轻妇人戴着珠宝饰物。She set out with the goal of going to the Olympics.她开始为参加奥运会做准备。Everyone who heard it just burst out laughing when he came out with it.当他说出这句话时,听到的人都大笑起来。The streets are decked out with flags and streamers.街道装饰着旗子和横幅。After what seemed like hours he came out with a wry smile.好像过了好几个小时,他终于出来了,脸上挂着苦笑。He has been out with a back injury, but he'll be back at work soon.他因背部受伤没来上班,但是他很快会回来工作。




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