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词汇 one way or another
例句 People that are addicted to drugs get, er, help from the government one way or another.那些有毒瘾的人会,呃,以某种方式获得政府帮助。We'll get out of this mess one way or another.我们得想个什么办法摆脱这种困境。I didn't really care one way or another.无论哪个我其实都不在意。Most people are creative in one way or another.大多数人都具有某方面的创造力。These bills have to be paid one way or another.这些账单无论如何都要支付。She will become famous one way or another —if not by modeling, then by acting or singing.她无论如何都会出名的,如果不是当模特,就是靠表演或唱歌。I suspect he's playing her up one way or another.我怀疑他正想方设法给她制造麻烦。We'll find the money, one way or another.我们无论如何都会找到这笔钱的。We have to make a decision one way or another about what needs to be done.不管怎样,我们必须决定需要做什么。




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