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词汇 noises
例句 The truck pulled away, and she listened to the rattling noises fade down the lane.卡车开走了,她听见卡车的隆隆声越来越远。The noises and smells of the market assaulted her senses.市场里的噪音和气味侵袭她的感官神经。He was so spooked that he, too, began to believe that he heard strange clicks and noises on their telephones.他太害怕了,以至于也开始相信自己听到了他们的电话发出奇怪的咔哒声响。There are noises in the deeps of the earth.地球内部有各种声响。Do they mean it, or are they making mere noises?他们是真心想干还是仅仅说说而已? The noises of the street were muffled considerably.街上的噪音减轻了许多。There were strange noises coming from the room down the hall.门厅那边的房间传出奇怪的声响。We could hear noises coming from the room immediately below us.我们能听到紧挨着我们的楼下房间传来的嘈杂声。There's something wrong with the engine - it's making strange noises.引擎出了什么问题——它发出奇怪的噪音。The thick walls baffle the street noises.厚墙把街上的各种噪音隔绝了。After the priest exorcised the spirit/house/child, apparently, the strange noises stopped.听说在牧师驱除了邪魔/驱除了房子里的妖气/给孩子驱魔后,奇怪的噪音就没有了。She makes all the right noises about economic reform.她表示对经济改革很有兴趣。There were frightening noises outside my tent.我的帐篷外面传来吓人的响声。A public address system magnifies all the little noises and coughs.有线广播系统把一点点声音、一点点咳嗽都放大了。Dolphins produce a great variety of noises.海豚会发出各种各样的声音。There were noises coming from the basement.地下室有声音传出。Thumps and laughter and odd noises were coming out of the living room.客厅里传出了砰砰声、笑声,还有各种奇怪的声音。We could hear noises in the room above.我们能听到楼上房间传来的声音。We could hear funny little sucking noises.我们可以听到奇怪的轻轻吮吸的声音。Urban inhabitants have to live with the characteristic noises of cities.城市居民不得不忍受都市特有的喧嚣。She believes the noises are made by ghosts, but I think there's a more prosaic explanation.她认为这些声音是鬼魂发出的,但我觉得还有比这更无聊的解释。The company makes noises but is careful in enforcing this rule.公司领导嘴上讲得很多,可执行这条规定时却很慎重。Her parents are making noises about wanting a grandchild.她父母在谈话中暗示想要个外孙(女)。Muffled noises were coming from the room, the only recognizable sound being her daughter's laughter.隐隐约约的响声从房间里传出来,唯一辨认得出的是她女儿的笑声。He was making all the right noises about multiparty democracy and human rights.他假意支持多党民主和人权问题。She was making small groaning noises.她发出轻轻的呻吟声。The drumbeat gradually blended into the ordinary city noises.鼓声渐渐和城市中常有的喧闹声交织在一起。His mother had also started making noises about it being time for him to leave home.他妈妈也开始旁敲侧击,暗示他应该离家独立了。Strange noises proceeded from the house.那所房子里传出奇怪的声响。I realized that here the conventions required me to make the ritual noises.我意识到此时按照惯例我应该说些客套话。The battle scene was dubbed with suitable noises later.事后给战斗场面配上恰当的各种音响。He's been making noises about taking us all to Rio, but we haven't heard anything definite.他一直暗示要把我们都带去里约,但是我们却没有听到任何确切说法。I knew that there would be unexpected shocks, sudden noises, and cadaverous materializations.我就知道会有出乎意料的震惊、突如其来的噪声和死尸状的物体。Hearing noises at night gives me the willies. 夜里听到响声让我心惊肉跳。The health minister seems to be making all the right noises.卫生部长似乎只是在随声附和。She started making noises about running for office. 她开始暗示自己要去竞选公职。I've asked Ken to have a look at the car - it's been making strange noises.我已经叫肯去检查一下这辆车—它老是发出怪声。He didn't seem perturbed by the noises outside.看上去他并未受到外面吵闹声的干扰。He made reassuring noises about their financial problems.他说了些让他们对财政问题感到放心的话。He made all the right noises about my audition but I couldn't tell if he was genuinely impressed.他一个劲儿地说我的试唱好,但我判断不出他是否真的这样觉得。




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