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词汇 全力支持
例句 During the American Civil War, my great-grandfather threw in his lot with the Confederacy/Union.美国南北战争期间,我的曾祖父全力支持南部邦联/合众国。They're a well-matched pair. He's ambitious, and she'll back him all the way.他们俩很匹配。他有抱负,而她将会全力支持他。We can assure you of our full support.我们保证全力支持你。The President took a calculated political risk in throwing his full support behind the rebels.总统全力支持反叛分子,对所冒的政治风险心中有数。When you are fighting an election campaign, you need to feel that your party is with you all the way.参加竞选活动的时候,你需要感觉到你的政党一直在全力支持你。Egypt has given almost unqualified backing to Washington.埃及几乎全力支持华盛顿。We are happy to give the product our full endorsement.我们很乐意全力支持该产品。In his speech he promised full support to wars of independence waged by colonial peoples.在演说中,他承诺全力支持殖民地人民发动的独立战争。I can endorse their opinion wholeheartedly.我可以全力支持他们的意见。The teachers have the full backing of the parents.老师们得到家长的全力支持They pledged him the full support of Congress.他们保证他将得到国会的全力支持Just do your best and remember that we are behind you all the way.你只要尽力而为,别忘了我们会全力支持你。The US has thrown its weight behind the new leader.美国倾其全力支持这位新领导人。I'm backing the PM to the hilt on this.在这一问题上我全力支持首相。Shipbuilders and dockers were solidly in favour of strike action in support of their claim.造船工人和码头工人都全力支持为响应他们的要求而发动的罢工行动。She threw her full support behind him.全力支持他。Our plan won their hearty approval.我们的计划得到了他们的全力支持His family are completely behind him, whatever he decides.他无论作出什么决定,家人都全力支持The committee will back you all the way.委员会将全力支持你。She received the full blessing of her employers.她得到了雇主们的全力支持Faced with a crisis, the Party united and threw its full weight behind the President.在危机面前,全党团结一致全力支持总统。He said the president had the full backing of his government to negotiate a deal.他说政府将全力支持总统通过谈判达成协议。The students are helped by active support from teachers.学生受益于老师的全力支持The prime minister gave his full support to the reforms.首相对改革表示全力支持The Government deserves our wholehearted support for having taken a step in this direction.政府已朝这个方向迈进了一步,理应得到我们的全力支持He announced his total and unqualified support for the initiative.他宣称自己会尽全力支持这项倡议。He had the complete support of hospital staff.他得到了医院职工的全力支持They were reluctant to identify themselves fully with any particular side.他们不愿全力支持任何一方。We would like to express our wholehearted support for the campaign.我们想表达我们对这次运动的全力支持You have my unqualified support in this matter.在这件事上我全力支持你。The President took a calculated political risk in throwing his full support behind the rebels.总统权衡利弊后冒了政治风险全力支持反叛者。Several senators put/threw their weight behind the bill. 一些参议员利用他们的影响力全力支持那项议案。The prime minister gave his full support to the government's reforms.首相对政府改革予以全力支持He expected no return when he decided to give us full support.他决定全力支持我们时并无图报之意。I am with you all the way. = I support you all the way. 全力支持你。My whole family are right behind me in this crisis.在这次危机中,全家人都全力支持我。The men who wield the power are certainly backing him to the hilt.掌权者必定会全力支持他。You have my unqualified support.全力支持你。Yet this is a Government which proclaims that it is all in favour of openness.但这却是个宣称全力支持开放的政府。You know that you have our full support whatever you decide.你知道不管你作出什么决定,你都会得到我们的全力支持




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