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词汇 maybe
例句 Let's go out – maybe I can walk this headache off.我们出去吧 — 或许我走走头就不痛了。She makes you feel warm and comfortable, and maybe a little excited.她会让你感到温暖和舒适,可能还会小小地挑起你的情欲。At weekends she would drive into Oxford, do the shopping, and maybe visit a few friends.周末的时候她会开车去牛津购物,有时也可能拜访几个朋友。I've always wanted to do martial arts - maybe I saw too many Jackie Chan movies at an impressionable age.我一直想学武术—也许是我在易受影响的年纪看了太多成龙的影片。You've fractured a rib, maybe more than one.你断了一根肋骨,可能不止一根。We have fruit juice but maybe you'd like something a little stronger?我们喝果汁,但或许你想来点酒?Maybe he's the McCoy, and maybe he's not.他有可能是本人,也有可能是假冒的。It suddenly crossed his mind that maybe Stephanie had been right.他突然意识到斯蒂芬妮也许是对的。I wonder why she's late - maybe she missed the train.不知道为什么她迟到了一也许是没赶上火车。I think I can play maybe for a couple more years.我想也许我还能再打两年球。If children were taught to be more respectful towards their elders, maybe these crimes wouldn't happen so often.如果教育孩子对长辈恭敬一些,也许这些罪案就不会那么常发生了。In the old days we got a visit from the vet maybe once a year.以前,兽医大概每年来我们这里出诊一次。OK, maybe I am a failure, but, in my opinion, no more than the rest of this country.好吧,也许我是个失败者,不过在我看来,这个国家里的其他人也不比我成功到哪里去。If we have time after dinner, I thought maybe we could take in a movie.如果晚饭后有时间,我想我们可以去看场电影。I think movie stars just do charity work to get publicity - but maybe I'm too cynical.我认为电影明星做慈善工作只是为了宣传,但也许我是太愤世嫉俗了。We have room for five people, maybe six at a push.我们有够五个人呆的地方,不得已时也许可以挤下六个人。People are still hanging out drinking beer, maybe shooting some pool.人们仍聚在那里喝啤酒,可能还会打会儿台球。On second thoughts, maybe I won't apply for the job after all.转念一想,也许我根本不会申请这份工作。We figure on maybe taking three weeks' vacation in Europe next fall.我们打算接下来的秋天或许要去欧洲度假,玩上三个星期。We think maybe he took off because he had a big fight with his dad the night before.我们觉得他突然走掉也许是因为头天晚上和爸爸大吵了一架。Did it ever occur to you that maybe you were wrong?你可曾想到也许是你错了吗?I think she rather likes me. But maybe that's just wishful thinking.我觉得她很喜欢我,也许那只是我一厢情愿的想法。I'm not a very organized person - maybe you should ask somebody else to make the arrangements.我不是个很有条理的人—也许你该叫别人来安排。Nobody is indispensable. Well, maybe there is one exception.没有人是不可或缺的。嗯,可能有一个人例外。I don't recollect telling him anything, but maybe I did.我不记得跟他说过什么事,但也许我说过。Wait a while, maybe a few days.等一等吧,也许要过几天。The problems really started maybe two or three years ago.这些问题可能是两三年以前真正开始出现的。The driver was very dark. Maltese, maybe.司机一头乌发、肤色黝黑,可能是个马耳他人。Not to worry - maybe you'll be able to come next week instead.别着急——或许你可以下星期再来。Well, maybe it would be easier to start with a smaller problem.好吧!可能从小点儿的问题开始会容易些。I see him maybe once every three months.我大概每隔三个月见他一次。Bill will come on then maybe Ralph, then Bobby and Johnny doing their hits.比尔先上,然后大概是拉尔夫,接下来是博比和约翰尼击球。He's always criticizing me – maybe it's because I'm a woman.他老是指责我,也许因为我是女人。A few weeks later he said that maybe he viewed all his relationships rather negatively.几个星期后,他说他也许把自己的各种人际关系看得太消极了。It was impossible to tell what key he was singing in - maybe the monitors went kerflooey.根本就听不出他唱的是什么,也许是监听器出了问题。I thought maybe we could go for a walk in the park.我想也许我们可以去公园走走。If her son showed enough enthusiasm, maybe Warren would take him into the business.如果她儿子表示出足够的热情,也许沃伦会让他进公司工作。Her accomplishments are impressive, maybe, but she's had a lot of help.她的成就或许很突出,但她也得到过许多帮助。The author has invested maybe a year in writing the book.作者写这本书大约已花了一年的时间。Ican't leave the hospital yet – the doctor says maybe tomorrow.我现在还不能出院,医生说可能要明天。




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