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词汇 Lord
例句 Stand up and bless the Lord, ye people of his choice.你们,他的选民,站起来称颂主。Lord Beaverbrook intervened on behalf of his friend.比弗布鲁克勋爵代表他的朋友进行斡旋。People gathered in the church to sing praises to the Lord.人们聚集在教堂唱颂歌赞美上帝。Lord Carrington is modest about his achievements.卡林顿勋爵对自己取得的成绩非常谦虚。Lord Burlington was a great collector and connoisseur of paintings.伯林顿勋爵是位了不起的绘画收藏家和鉴定家。His heir, Lord Doune, cuts a bit of a dash in the city.他的继承人杜恩勋爵在城里出了一番风头。Police have recaptured Alan Lord, who escaped from a police cell in Bolton.警察把艾伦·洛德抓了回来,他是从博尔顿的一个警察局拘留室逃走的。Thou has avouched the Lord to be thy god.你已承认主是你的上帝。The Achym family had friends in high places, including the powerful Lord Burghley, and were allowed to return.阿奇姆一家有位高权重的朋友,包括伯利勋爵,所以获准回来。Let us give praise unto the Lord.让我们赞美上帝吧。Good Lord! Is that the time?上帝啊!那个时间对吗?He was a pastor who trusted in the Lord who lived to preach.作为一名牧师,他相信上帝是用一生去传教的。We are governed, in Lord Hailsham's famous phrase, by an "elective dictatorship".套用一下黑尔什姆勋爵的名言,我们被“选举出来的独裁者”统治着。Let us remember the words of Our Lord from the gospel of Mark.让我们记住《马可福音》中主耶稣的话。Dear Lord, we offer up our prayers...亲爱的主,我们向您祈祷…Then Cain went out from the Lord's presence and settled in the land of Nod to the east of eden.该隐就离开了天主到伊甸园东边叫挪得的地方住下来。Lord Clarendon's liberal credo was one of the foundations of his political conduct.克拉伦登勋爵的自由主义信条是他从事政治活动的一大基础。I am Thine, O Lord, I have heard Thy voice.主啊,我属于您,我已经听见您的声音。Lord de Ramsey is perfectly entitled to use a car. It stretches credulity to suggest he should be seen standing at a bus stop.拉姆齐大人完全有资格使用汽车。竟然有人提议他应当站在车站等公交车,简直匪夷所思。Lord Wincanton appreciated his secretary's discretion and his fidelity.温坎顿阁下欣赏秘书的谨慎和忠诚。Do you turn to Jesus Christ our Lord and accept him as your Saviour?你愿意相信耶稣基督并接受他为你的救世主吗?Lord knows, the murderer might still be out there.鬼知道,凶手极有可能还在那里。Three days before she died, Rita was blessed with a vision of Our Lord.丽塔去世的前三天见到我主显异象。Good Lord, here is someone who has flown the Atlantic for an interview!我的天,这一位竟是飞越了大西洋来参加面试的!Lord Luce's capitulation to pressure from the Duke of Edinburgh has stored up huge problems for the future.卢斯勋爵迫于爱丁堡公爵的压力作了让步,为日后埋下了巨大隐患。Lord knows, you deserve everything you get.大家都知道,你所得到的一切都是你应得的。Scripture alone should be our frame of reference for who the Lord really is.《圣经》应该是我们回答主是谁这一问题的唯一依据。He is the generous Lord, the gracious, the Hearer, the Near-at-Hand, the Compassionate, the Merciful.他是慷慨的主,仁慈宽厚,耐心聆听,近在咫尺,心存怜悯,慈悲为怀。Lord Buckingham was a much loved and respected figure.白金汉勋爵是个深受喜爱和尊敬的人物。Oh Lord, hear our prayers.上帝啊,听听我们的祈祷吧。Lord knows where we're going to get the money from.天知道我们从哪儿才能弄到那笔钱。The sight of Lord Laetho's purple pennant brought tears of relief to his eyes.看到拉埃索勋爵的王室旗帜,他眼中涌起了欣慰的泪水。Lord Blindingham was an able administrator.布林丁翰勋爵是位能干的管理者。May the Lord bless you and keep you.愿上帝祝福你、保佑你。Princess Margaret is divorced from Lord Snowdon.玛格丽特公主与斯诺登勋爵离婚了。Then the Lord God planted a garden in eden away to the east, and there he put the man whom he had formed.然后天主上帝在东边之伊甸建造一座花园,他把他造的男人安置在伊甸园中。Lord Justice Scott will head the inquiry.法官斯科特大人将担任这个调查组的负责人。Lord Justice Woolf will make recommendations for reform in his report.上诉法院法官伍尔夫将在他的报告中提出改革建议。Lord Beaconsfield, né Benjamin Disraeli原来姓名叫本杰明·迪斯雷利的比肯斯菲尔德勋爵Praise the Lord!赞美主!




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