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词汇 looped
例句 I took one look at her and knew she was looped.我看了她一眼,知道她喝醉了。He sat with his arms looped around his knees.他双手抱膝坐着。The batter looped a single to left field.击球手击出一记左外野弧线一垒安打。Only a bit of string looped round a nail in the doorpost held it shut.仅仅是靠缠在门柱钉子上的一小段细绳把门关紧。They put him on the back of a horse and looped a noose around his neck.他们把他放在马背上,并用绳索套住他的脖子。He looped his finger with a string.他用线绕住手指。The quarterback looped a pass downfield.四分卫传出前场弧线球。He wore the watch and chain looped round his neck like a medallion.他将链表绕挂在脖子上,就像戴了一枚大奖章。The ball looped over the goalkeeper's head.球呈弧线形从守门员的头顶飞过。The helicopter took off and headed north. Then it looped west, heading for the hills.直升机起飞后向北飞行,接着又兜向西边,朝山那边飞去。The ball looped over the goalkeeper into the back of the net.那个球绕过守门员射入网底。She looped her long hair up as neatly as she could, fastening it with the two mother of pearl combs.她把长发尽可能利落地盘上去,用两个珍珠母梳子固定住。She looped a string around her finger.她在手指上缠了一圈线。Christmas decorations looped from the ceiling.圣诞装饰品从天花板上垂下来形成环状。Her black hair was looped over the ears.她乌黑的头发分别在两鬓打成环形发髻。He looped the rope over the post.他把绳子绕了个圈系在柱子上。A rioter looped a hand grenade into the building.一名暴徒将手榴弹滴溜溜扔进大楼。A swag of crimson velvet was looped back against it.一个深红色的天鹅绒垂花环扣着它。She looped the curtain up.她把帘子打环卷起。He looped the rope around the pole.他将绳子绕在柱子上。The ball looped over the shortstop's head into left field for a single.球呈弧线飞过游击手的头顶到达左外野,形成一垒安打。He looped the rope over the wood.他把绳子绕到木头上。Ropes were being looped around him and he was helpless to resist.他被绳子捆住,无力反抗。The fly ball looped high in the air.腾空球呈弧线高高腾空而过。




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