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词汇 耳边
例句 She whispered words of comfort in his ear.她在他耳边轻轻说了几句安慰的话。He whispered sweet nothings in her ear.他在她耳边低声说甜言蜜语。The drums seem to throb in my ears.冬冬鼓声似乎在我耳边震响。Her screams still echoed in his ears.她的尖叫声仍在他的耳边回响。He went home with the teacher's warning ringing in his ears.回家的路上,老师的警告一直在他耳边萦绕。She fussed with a wisp of hair over her ear.她紧张不安地拨弄耳边的一缕头发。The old man put a trumpet to his ear so that he could hear better.老人把一只助听筒放在耳边以便听得清楚些。My husband's last words are still ringing in my ears.丈夫的临终遗言还在我耳边回响。He was murmuring in her ear.他在她耳边轻声细语。His father's words were still ringing in his ears.他的耳边还回响着父亲的话语。A stray bullet whistled past his ear.一颗流弹从他耳边呼啸而过。The drums seemed to throb in his ears.阵阵鼓声仿佛在他耳边震响。The voices buzzing all around echoed in her ears.周围嗡嗡的说话声一直在她耳边回响。She picked up the receiver and put it to her ear.她拿起话筒,放在耳边Then something came whizzing past my ear and lammed into a yellow birch tree.然后有什么东西呼地飞过我的耳边,猛地撞在一棵黄桦树上。She bent towards me and whispered in my ear.她向我俯过身来,在我耳边低语。His advice seemed to keep sounding in my ears.他的忠告好像一直响在我耳边The night air was full of bugs homing on my earlobes.夜里到处是虫子,向着我的耳边营营袭来。I heard a bullet whistle past my ear, and I realized we were being shot at.我听到一颗子弹在我耳边呼啸而过,就意识到有人在朝我们开枪。He whispered something in her ear.他在她耳边低语了几句。The arrow sang past his ears.箭从他耳边嗖的一声飞过。With his words ringing in her ears, she fled up the stairs.她逃也似地上了楼,他的话还在她耳边不断回荡。The girl sitting next to me leaned over and whispered something in my ear.坐在我旁边的女孩侧过身来在我耳边低声说了些什么。A blast in his ear galvanized him into full consciousness.耳边一声轰响使他完全清醒过来。Their brassy, exaggerated laughter still rang in his ears.他们刺耳夸张的笑声依然在他耳边回响。He bent towards me and whispered in my ear.他俯过身来在我耳边低声说话。Chambers' voice droned, maddening as an insect around his head.钱伯斯一直在他耳边嗡嗡地说个不停,他都快疯了。We jumped into the water with bullets whizzing past our ears.子弹从耳边嗖嗖地飞过,我们跳入了水中。His words echoed in my head/ears. 他的话时常在我的脑海中/耳边响起。She leaned closer to him, whispering in his ear.她侧身靠近他,在他耳边说悄悄话。He whispered sweet nothings in my ear.他在我耳边倾诉着情意绵绵的话。The wind roared in her ears.风在她的耳边呼啸。A bee buzzed in my ear.一只蜜蜂在我耳边嗡嗡叫。She shivered as the sound of that man's abuse rang in her ears.耳边回响起那个男人的辱骂气得浑身发抖。He held the box up to his ear and rattled it gently.他把盒子凑近耳边,轻轻摇了摇。He whispered in/into my ear.他在我耳边低语。The American voice crackled in his ear.在他耳边响起了那美国人尖利而急促的声音。He was whispering something in her ear.他在她耳边窃窃私语。There was a ringing sound in my ears.耳边响起丁零零的声音。She began to grumble within his hearing.她开始在他耳边抱怨。




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