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例句 I'm aware of the risks associated with this treatment.我明白这种治疗伴随的各种风险。They have been associated with violent behaviour for a long time.长久以来他们与暴力行为有关联。The color black is traditionally associated with mourning.黑色历来是和哀悼相关联的。Corneal arcus is frequently associated with early coronary artery disease.老年环是冠状动脉疾病早期常见病症。The disease is largely associated with Caucasians.这种病主要与白种人有关。She possessed the vibrant personality that is so often popularly associated with Spanish women.她拥有通常会令人联想到西班牙女性的充满活力的个性。Both groups share two attributes normally associated with vertebrates.两组都具有通常脊椎动物才具备的两个特征。There are health problems that are often associated with poverty.有些健康问题经常与贫穷有关。There are several dangers/risks associated with that approach.那种方法也会有几种危险/风险。The advantages of the plan more than compensate for the risks associated with it.这项计划的优点大大地弥补了所带来的风险。The kangaroo is commonly associated with Australia.人们通常把袋鼠与澳大利亚联系在一起。I no longer wish to be associated with people like him.我再也不愿意和他这样的人打交道了。We must increase public awareness of the health risks associated with sunbathing.我们必须提高公众对于日光浴给健康带来危险的认识。He is associated with the peace movement.他支持和平运动。Low educational achievement is strongly associated with poverty and disadvantage.教育程度低与贫困落后密切相关。Here the ideal society is associated with a not too remote future.在这里,理想的社会并不是遥远的未来才有的事情。These symptoms are particularly associated with migraine headaches.这些症状尤其与偏头痛相关。She displays none of the sanctimoniousness often associated with spirituality.在她身上丝毫未见圣职人员常有的那种故作虔诚。I haven't been associated with the project over the last year.我去年一直没有参与那个项目。Hell is traditionally associated with suffering.地狱历来与受苦联系在一起。Dogs were also associated with healing in the ancient world.在古代,狗也与治病有关。Cigarette smoking has been associated with lung cancer.肺癌被认为与吸烟有关。The inflammation associated with this disease can lead to decreased spinal extension, particularly in the thoracolumbar junction.与这一疾病相关的炎症可能会导致脊椎,特别是胸腰部脊椎,伸张程度减弱。In some culture, a crow is associated with badness.在某种文化中,乌鸦是不吉祥的象征。These symptoms are particularly associated with migraines.这些症状尤其与偏头痛有关。Patients may not receive the tender, loving care once associated with a hospital stay.病人们可能享受不到以前住院时那种悉心体贴的照顾。Despite the actor's regular attempts to branch out, he's become forever associated with a single character type.虽然这个男演员经常尝试拓展戏路,但他已经永远和一种角色类型联系在了一起。These symptoms are associated with an increased risk of heart disease.这些症状预示有更大患心脏病的风险。The new treatment obviates many of the risks associated with surgery.新疗法避免了很多与外科手术有关的风险。He has been associated with some dubious characters.他曾经与一些可疑人物有交往。He has symptoms associated with lung disease.他的症状与肺病有关。Here is a list of possible dangers associated with the procedure.这是与此程序相关的潜在危险清单。The pattern is clear: obesity is associated with lower incomes.模式很清楚:肥胖与低收入有关。Dilatation of blood vessels is always associated with increased blood flow and increased blood pressure.血管扩张总是跟血流量增加和血压升高有关联。He abhors the wheeling-and-dealing associated with conventional political life.他憎恨传统政治生活中的尔虞我诈。His social problems were associated with heavy drinking.他的社会问题与酗酒有关。Anything associated with him is a collectable item.与他相关的任何东西都值得收藏。Rap groups have been barred from large musical events because they are associated with vandalism.说唱组合一直被禁止参加大型音乐活动,因为人们会把他们同破坏捣乱联系在一起。They were closely associated with each other during the war.在战争期间,他们间的关系密切。She associated with men on the make.她与追名逐利之辈为伍。




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