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词汇 victory
例句 Each contributed to victory in his degree.每人以自己的方式为获取胜利作出贡献。The bell is ringing loudly to declare victory.钟声大作,昭告胜利。When I lapped the runner who was in second place, I knew I'd have an easy victory.领先第二名赛跑者不止一圈时,我知道自己会轻松获胜。I just wanted to congratulate you on your victory.我只是想对你的胜利表示祝贺。It soon became clear that a victory for Sampras was not a foregone conclusion.桑普拉斯并不一定会获胜,这很快就变得明朗了。He skippered his team to victory.他带领全队一路赢得了胜利。The coach prophetically promised a victory in the next game.教练有先见之明地预见了下次比赛的胜利。Nothing could have given the team a bigger boost than the victory over Canada.没有什么比那次打败加拿大队更能使这支球队振作起来了。Last month's victory has given him added zest for the game.上个月的胜利使他对这项运动更为狂热。The football team is in top form and it is sure of victory.足球队竞技状态极好,胜券在握。As regards the war, Haig believed in victory at any price.至于这场战争,黑格认为无论如何也要取得胜利。At this point in the game it looks like a guaranteed victory.比赛进行到这个时候,像是胜券在握了。He has staked his political future on an election victory.他把政治前程押在了一次竞选获胜上。This ruling represents a victory for all women.这项裁定代表了所有女性的胜利。The Liberals have scored a dramatic victory in this by-election.自由党人在这次补缺选举中戏剧性地大获全胜。Crewe's victory was no one-man show, though.不过克鲁的胜利不只是一个人的功劳。Elections might ultimately produce a Communist victory.选举的最终结果可能是共产党获胜。The street was dressed out in flags when the victory was won.胜利之时街上悬旗志庆。He improvised a song about the football team's victory.他就足球队的胜利即兴谱写了一首歌。Smith's goal sealed the victory.史密斯的入球锁定了胜局。It was a gratifying victory.那场胜利令人欣慰。I felt victory slipping from my grasp.我觉得胜利与我渐行渐远。I came tantalizingly close to victory.我曾经离获胜只有一步之遥。The Hungarians pulled off a surprise victory against the Italian champions.匈牙利队打败了意大利冠军队,取得了意料之外的胜利。The home team was denied victory in the dying minutes of the game.主队在比赛的最后几分钟里输掉了比赛。Duncan and his triumphant soldiers celebrate their military victory.邓肯和他那些兴高采烈的士兵庆祝他们作战胜利。The whole nation rejoiced over the victory.全国上下为胜利而欢欣鼓舞。Their problems were all forgotten in the glow of victory.胜利的喜悦让他们把问题全忘掉了。Her victory in the election was a big upset.她在选举中获胜,出人意料。We won another splendid victory.我们又赢得了辉煌的胜利。The Red Sox victory ended a six-game skid.红袜队的这次胜利结束了连续六场的低迷。To celebrate our victory, we ran up our flag.为庆祝胜利,我们升起了自己的旗帜。It was a tremendous victory for the team, and they sat back and basked in the glory.那是球队的一次巨大胜利,现在他们惬意地坐着尽享荣誉。They were exalted by the news of the victory.他们因听到胜利的消息而兴高采烈。A goal in the final seconds of the game sealed their victory.他们在比赛还剩最后几秒时进了一球,锁定了胜局。He sent her a note of congratulation on her election victory.他发去贺信,祝贺她选举获胜。She took advantage of her opponent's momentary loss of concentration and achieved a crushing victory.她利用对手的一时疏忽取得了压倒性的胜利。The New Democracy party has claimed victory.新民主党宣布获胜。The war in Vietnam dragged on with no clear-cut victory.越南战争没完没了地拖着,未能完胜。The team breezed to victory. 球队轻松获胜。




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