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词汇 victorious
例句 The club emerged victorious from the match.这个俱乐部在比赛中脱颖而出获得了胜利。Osborne emerged victorious after the second round of voting.经过第二轮投票,奥斯本胜出。Against all the odds, Frederick was ultimately victorious.尽管困难重重,弗雷德里克还是取得了最后的胜利。Three young men from the victorious team came forward to collect their trophy.获胜队有三名年轻男子上前领取奖杯。The tribal chieftain, victorious in battle, was flushed with success.这位部落酋长打了胜仗,洋溢着胜利的喜悦。They were victorious over their enemies.他们战胜了敌人。We are victorious, wherefore let us rejoice.我们胜利了,为此我们欢庆吧。The Reds were victorious over the Whites.红队战胜了白队。The laws of the defeated country were assimilated to those of the victorious nation.战败国的法律被改得与战胜国的法律一模一样。He shook hands with his victorious opponent.他与获胜的对手握手。The government is bathing in the reflected glory of its victorious military forces.军队的辉煌胜利给政府增光不少。The victorious army despoiled the city of all its treasures.得胜的军队把城里的财宝劫掠一空。He finally emerged victorious from this perilous fight.他最后以胜利者的姿态在这场危机四伏的打斗中脱颖而出。The socialists were victorious in the election.社会党人在选举中取胜。The victorious general waited upon the king.那位凯旋归来的将军拜见国王。Both sides in the election remain confident that they will emerge victorious/triumphant. 选举双方对自己的获胜都充满信心。The cheering went on for ages as the victorious athletes ran around the track.获胜的运动员围绕跑道奔跑时,欢呼声经久不息。The victorious team were loudly cheered by their fans.获胜队赢得了球迷们的高声欢呼。Who will emerge victorious? 谁将会成为赢家?She's a member of the victorious British team.她是获胜的英国队的一员。He is still smarting over criticism of his victorious but clumsy performance.他还在为别人批评他尽管最终胜出但表现笨拙感到闷闷不乐。Her victorious father girdled her waist with the ribbon.她获胜的父亲把绶带系在她腰间。




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