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词汇 victory over
例句 This was a victory over reactionary forces.这是对反动势力的一个胜利。Nothing could have given the team a bigger boost than the victory over Canada.没有什么比那次打败加拿大队更能使这支球队振作起来了。The England keeper revealed some fancy footwork in the victory over Nottingham Forest.这位英格兰队守门员在战胜诺丁汉森林队的那场比赛中展现了出色的脚法。A victory over Fresno State in the final game Saturday would produce a record run of wins.星期六最后一场比赛战胜弗雷斯诺州队的话,将创造一个连胜纪录。The victory over the French at Waterloo was Wellington's greatest triumph.在滑铁卢打败法军是威灵顿最大的胜利。Last night's resounding victory over Birmingham City has virtually assured them of promotion.昨晚大胜伯明翰城队实际上已确保他们能够晋级。We have won a glorious victory over our opponents.我们击败对手,赢得了一次光荣的胜利。Ireland has won a glorious victory over England.爱尔兰战胜英格兰,赢得了一次辉煌的胜利。He surprised the nation with an upset victory over the incumbent leader.他意外地击败了现任领导人,震惊了全国。They achieved a hollow victory over a team missing its best players. 由于对方最佳球员缺席,他们的胜利并无真正价值。The triumphal arch commemorates Caesar's victory over Pompey.凯旋门用于纪念恺撒击败庞培,得胜而归。It was a cheap victory over a lousy team.那是一次对战弱队而轻松取得的胜利。The team is fresh from their victory over the French.该队刚战胜法国队。The army won a miraculous victory over a much stronger enemy.这支军队打败了强得多的敌人,赢得奇迹般的胜利。Chelsea got off to a good start with a victory over Southampton on the first day of the season.切尔西队在赛季的第一天就开局顺利,战胜了南安普顿队。He saw it as a small victory over the increasingly repressive policies.他把这看成是对那些日益残暴的政策的一场小小的胜利。In a thrilling victory over Arizona, Bailey scored four straight points.在一场最后赢了亚利桑那队的紧张比赛中,贝利连得四分。




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