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词汇 intolerable
例句 The situation has become intolerable.局势已经变得无法容忍。They have pushed their insolence and arrogance to intolerable lengths.他们的傲慢无礼达到了不能容忍的程度。The situation had become intolerable to him.对他来说,情况已经变得无法忍受。These injustices are intolerable, especially when the victims are children.这些非正义行为是无法容忍的,尤其当受害者是孩子时。I find his rudeness intolerable.我觉得他的无礼令人无法容忍。The constant pain made her life intolerable.长期疼痛使她的生活变得无法忍受。His illness placed an intolerable burden on his family.他的病给家庭带来了无法承受的负担。The job placed almost intolerable pressure on her.工作给她带来的压力几乎无法承受。Passengers faced intolerable delays and disruption due to the bad weather conditions.旅客经常会遇到由于天气条件恶劣造成的延误和混乱等令人难以忍受的情况。The constant fighting made life at home intolerable.持续不断的争吵使家庭生活变得无法忍受。Human rights abuses by any party are intolerable.任何党派践踏人权的行为都不能容忍。This would put intolerable pressure on them.这会给他们施加无法忍受的压力。Caring for an elderly relative can become an intolerable burden.照看年老的亲戚可能成为无法承受的重负。The noise is making our lives intolerable.这噪音让我们的生活变得无法忍受。He found the media attention intolerable and went to ground for several months.他觉得媒体的关注令他无法忍受,便去躲了几个月。All the media attention during the trial had put the family under intolerable strain.审讯期间,这么多媒体的关注使这家人不堪压力。They felt this would put intolerable pressure on them.他们觉得这会给他们带来无法承受的压力。Living conditions at the camp were intolerable.营地的生活条件不堪忍受。The pain of the headache was intolerable.头痛的苦楚难以忍受。The situation was totally intolerable to us.这种情况对我们来说完全不能忍受。She is an intolerable person, her excellent work notwithstanding.她让人难以忍受,尽管她的工作非常出色。His conceit is intolerable.他的自负令人不能容忍。She divorced him on the grounds of intolerable cruelty.她因无法忍受他的虐待跟他离了婚。She became so morose and despotic, that her rule became intolerable.她变得如此孤僻和专横,以致她的统治让人无法忍受。The noise of the drilling is intolerable.钻孔的噪音让人受不了。It is an intolerable situation and it can't be allowed to go on.这种情况忍无可忍,不能再任其继续下去了。




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