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词汇 interfere with
例句 I wanted to put the meeting over until Sunday so as not to interfere with my work.我想把会议推迟到星期天,这样就不会影响我的工作。Family frictions can interfere with a child's schoolwork.家庭中的争吵会影响孩子的学业。No liquids are served with meals because they interfere with digestion.上饭菜时不要同时上汤水或饮品,因为这会影响消化。Drug problems frequently interfered with his work.吸毒问题频频干扰他的工作。Constant interruptions interfere with my work.一次又一次的干扰妨碍我的工作。Who interfered with my camera?谁乱动我的相机了?You must not let your outside interests interfere with your work.你决不能让工作以外的兴趣干扰了你的工作。Large doses of the vitamin appear to interfere with the actions of some medications.大剂量服用维生素似乎会影响某些药物的作用。Intoxication interferes with speech and coordination.醉酒会影响言语能力和协调性。You mustn't interfere with her work.你绝不可以干扰她的工作。The public may once have liked her, but her coyness and flirting now interfere with her interviews.公众也许曾经喜欢过她,但现在她的忸怩作态和卖弄风情让人们大失所望。Smoking often interferes with health.吸烟妨碍健康。Many people think that compulsory ID cards interfere with personal liberty.许多人认为强制性的身份证干涉了个人自由。Liquids interfere with digestion.液体影响消化。Anxiety can interfere with children's performance at school.忧虑紧张会影响孩子在学校的表现。The authorities did not interfere with us.当局不干涉我们。The baby will claw you if you interfere with what he wants.你要是不依这婴儿,他就用小手抓你。The young woman has been interfered with.那个年轻妇女被人污辱了。Who interfered with my papers?谁乱动了我的文件了?Does the vacuum cleaner interfere with radio or TV?真空吸尘器干扰收音机和电视机吗?Complete absorption in sport interfered with his studies.对体育活动的极度迷恋妨碍了他的学业。Even a low level of noise interferes with my concentration.甚至很低的噪声也会分散我的注意力。The trees interfere with the view.那些树挡住了视线。These signals interfered with our radio broadcasts.这些信号干扰了我们的无线电广播。The drug might interfere with a child's physical development.这种药物可能会影响儿童的身体发育。The doctor said that the girl had been interfered with before her death.医生说这个女孩死前被糟蹋过。Intoxication interferes with memory and thinking, speech and coordination.醉酒影响记忆、思考、语言与协调性。Any disease which undermines a man's general health will interfere with his sperm production.任何有损男性整体健康状况的疾病都会影响精子的产生。Alexander wasn't going to let a lack of space interfere with his plans.亚历山大不会让空间不够的问题妨碍他的计划。Mum says I can get a job if it doesn't interfere with my homework.妈妈说只要不妨碍我做家庭作业,我可以接一份工作。This addition may interfere with the symmetry of the building.增建部分可能会有损这座建筑物的对称。The defective gene interferes with normal body processes.缺损的基因会扰乱正常的身体变化进程。The girl has been interfered with.这姑娘遭人污辱过。Smoking and drinking interfere with your body's ability to process oxygen.抽烟与酗酒有碍身体处理氧气的能力。Various minor ailments can interfere with your training schedule.各种各样的小毛病会影响你的训练安排。Alcohol interferes with blood-sugar levels and can deplete the body of essential nutrients.酒精会使人体内的血糖浓度失调,也会消耗人体所必需的营养成分。I'm very much my own boss and no one interferes with what I do.我自己很有主见,没有人干预我做的事。I turned down the radio lest it should interfere with his lessons.我把收音机音量调低以免妨碍他上课。The hearing-impaired say digital phones interfere with hearing aids.听觉障碍者反映数字电话会对助听器造成干扰。Emotional problems can seriously interfere with a student's work.情感问题会严重干扰学生的学业。




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