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词汇 intellectual
例句 I find great intellectual stimulation in these surroundings.我发现在这种环境里人的智慧会变得十分活跃。The child lags his peers in intellectual development.这孩子在智力发展方面比同龄人迟缓。Be not content with the commonplace in intellectual attainment.在求知上不要满足于浅尝辄止。It can limit intellectual growth.那会限制智力发展。Surrounded by mediocrities, he can seem a towering intellectual.在周围一群泛泛之辈的衬托下,他看起来就像是个鹤立鸡群的智者。She has the intellectual form to take on the mantle of leadership.她具备担任领导人所需要的聪明才智。He has a wide intellectual constituency.他在知识分子中有一大批支持者。You don't get any intellectual stimulation in this job.这份工作不能给你任何思想上的启发。She likes reading those trendy intellectual magazines about politics and society.她喜欢看那些有关政治和社会的时髦的知识性杂志。It represents the pinnacle of intellectual capability.它代表了智能的顶峰。You have an intellectual rapport, a kind of easy companionship that makes me really jealous.你机智友善、平易近人,真是让我嫉妒。This meeting had a more intellectual key.这次会议的基调更加理智。He regarded most men as his social, moral, and intellectual inferiors.他认为大部分人在社会地位、道德和智力上都低他一等。They were very intellectual and witty.他们才思敏捷,风趣诙谐。She sets up a rigorous intellectual framework to deconstruct various categories of film.她建立了一个对各种类型的电影进行解析的严密知识框架。These people are intellectual bankrupts.这些人一点知识也没有。Isabelle is quick to refute any suggestion of intellectual snobbery.伊莎贝尔对于任何关于她恃才傲物的暗示都迅速予以否认。Teaching is an intellectual occupation.教书是一种用脑力的职业。His writing has been dismissed as mere intellectual posturing.他的文章被斥为知识分子的装腔作势。These ideas have a long and distinguished intellectual pedigree.这些思想有一个悠久且著名的知识谱系。He was an intellectual, scholarly man.他才华横溢,知识渊博。Light traditionally analogizes with intellectual brilliance.光历来被用来比拟智慧的芒焰。The Church was not simply the religious but also the intellectual Establishment of its time.教会不单单统治着当时的宗教界,而且还统治着当时的文化知识界。She was a forceful intellectual, unafraid to speak her mind.她是个有魄力的知识分子,勇于直抒己见。There was a significant decline in the size of the business as the company transitioned to an intellectual property company.这家公司在向知识产权公司转变的过程中,业务规模出现了显著的下降。The intellectual and moral potential of the world's culture must be put at the service of politics.世界文化潜在的知识和道德力量一定要为政治所用。She argues that watching too much TV is detrimental to a child's intellectual and social development.她认为看电视过多会影响孩子的智力发展,并妨碍他们与人交往。He has written seven thrillers, and clearly enjoys intellectual pursuits.他已经创作了七部恐怖小说,并且显然很享受耗费脑力的活动。He was found in intellectual congress with his tutor.人们发现他正在和他的导师交流知识。I was impressed by the idealism and intellectual vigour of the quartet.我被这个四重奏组合的理想主义精神和思想活力打动了。He did not regard himself as her intellectual equal.他认为自己的才智不及她。His approach to acting is visceral rather than intellectual.他的表演重真情实感,而不是只讲技巧。Sontag has always been that rarity, a glamorous intellectual.桑塔格一直是那种兼具美貌与智慧的人中龙凤。Johnson's mother stressed intellectual and artistic achievement, while his father considered intellect and culture to be unmanly.约翰逊的母亲重视知识和艺术成就,而他父亲却认为才识和文化缺乏阳刚之气。He thinks that he's an intellectual, but he doesn't know what he's talking about.他自认为是个知识分子,可他根本不知道自己在说些什么。Companies should protect their intellectual property with patents and trademarks.公司应该通过申请专利和注册商标保护自己的知识产权。Throughout her marriage she never considered her husband as her intellectual equal.自结婚之日起,她一直就认为在才智上她丈夫根本无法和她相提并论。They're a lot of low-brows pretending to be intellectual high-hats.他们是一伙缺乏文化修养的人,却装做高人一等的文人雅士。She was a forceful intellectual unafraid to speak her mind.她是个很有魄力的知识分子,不惧怕说出自己的想法。Despite his intellectual eminence, he was quite unpretentious.尽管在知识界名声显赫,他为人却相当低调。




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