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词汇 in office
例句 Presidents must make momentous life-and-death decisions while in office.总统在任时必须作生死攸关的重大决定。He ran up a huge overdraft during his year in office.他在任期间积欠了大笔透支。The Democrats are hoping to deny him a third term in office.民主党希望能阻止他第三度连任。These assurances only hold good while he remains in office.只有在他的任期内这些保证才有效。She decided to call it quits after many years in office.干了多年办公室工作之后,她决定就此离开。The mayor's politics were often criticized during her time in office.在任期间,女市长的政治决策常常受到批评。There was never a hint/trace of scandal during her time in office.她在任期间没有任何丑闻。The mayor's actions in office contradicted the promises he made during the campaign.市长在任的所作所为违背了他竞选时做出的承诺。Your work in office has not been very productive.你在办公室的工作实绩不怎么样。His period in office required almost continuous crisis management.他在职期间几乎总是要处理危机。Congressmen are loath to limit the amount of time they can be in office.国会议员不愿意规定任职期限。He is immune from prosecution as long as he is in office.只要他还在任,就不会被起诉。The president is constitutionally prohibited from serving more than two terms in office.宪法禁止总统任期超过两届。She was celebrating ten years in office.她正在庆祝自己任职十周年。He abused his power while in office.他在职时滥用权力。The decision appears to be a face-saving compromise which will allow the government to remain in office.这个决定看来是一种保全面子的妥协,让政府不至于下台。The coalition government fell after only six months in office.这个联合政府执政仅六个月就垮台了。They are hoping that once in office he can be persuaded to moderate his views.他们希望等他一上台,可以说服他观点别那么激进。Once in office he was persuaded to moderate his views.他一上任就有人劝告他观点不要那么激进。He would, when in office, ensure that all secret data be made public.他保证一旦任职将公开所有的秘密资料。During his six years in office, Seidman has often locked horns with lawmakers.在任的六年中,塞德曼经常和立法议员争得不可开交。The company continued him in office for another year.公司留他继续任职了一年。He continued in office on borrowed time.他暂时继续留任。Radha and Rema come from different backgrounds but they pull on very well in office.拉达和瑞玛来自不同背景,但在办公室里相处得很好。Whether she will run for a second term in office is a matter for conjecture.她是否会竞选连任还只是推测。His popularity has fluctuated during his term in office.任职期间,他受欢迎的程度时高时低。I don't want to get involved in office politics.我不想卷入办公室政治。The book describes the political travails of the President during his first year in office.这本书讲述了总统在任期头一年里的政治困境。An amendment to the United States Constitution limits the President to two full terms in office.一项美国宪法修正案规定总统不能超过两届任期。The president said he'd made no firm decision on whether he would run for a second term in office.总统说他还没有下定决心是否竞选连任。His tenure in office will end with the next election.他的任期截止到下次选举。He has been mired in controversy throughout his term in office.他在任职期间始终饱受争议。The President would remain in office at the pleasure of the Senate.总统将根据参议院的意见继续任职。Like so many aspiring actresses, she ended up waiting tables and temping in office jobs.和许许多多曾经满怀抱负的女演员一样,她最后只能端端盘子,在办公室打打零工。Politicians often retire to money, cashing in on favours done while they were in office.政治家们往往在退出政界后转而去搞钱,把在位时放出的人情债一一收回来。The candidate stands accused of breaking promises even before he's in office.该候选人还未上任就遭指责违背诺言。The candidate stands accused of breaking promises even before he's in office.该候选人还未上任就遭指责违背承诺。He hopes to visit China during his second term in office.他希望在第二届任期内访问中国。Hayward has expressed his willingness to continue in office.海沃德已表示愿意继续任职。He has been in office for a decade.他任职已有十个年头。




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