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词汇 agricultural production
例句 In the months that followed, agricultural production was brought to a halt.在接下来的几个月里,农业生产陷入停顿。The plan was meant to boost agricultural production.该计划旨在提高农业产量。Post-war economic reconstruction in the country must begin with the resumption of agricultural production.这个国家战后经济的重建必须从恢复农业生产开始。Our country must drive at increasing agricultural production.我国必须力求农业增产。The drought has severely disrupted agricultural production.干旱使农业生产严重停滞。Scientific discoveries are often applied to industrial and agricultural production methods.科学发现常被应用于工农业生产方法上。Exceptionally dry weather over the past year had cut agricultural production.去年反常的干旱天气使农业减产。The drought has severely disrupted agricultural production.旱灾已严重影响了农业生产。




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