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词汇 agreement
例句 The workers were railroaded into signing the agreement.工人们被迫匆匆地签了这个协议。We are all in agreement that Mr Ross should resign.我们一致认为罗斯先生应该辞职。The members were in broad agreement.成员的意见大致相同。Under the conditions of the GATT trade agreement, farm subsidies would be gradually phased out.根据关税及贸易总协定的规定,农业补贴将逐步取消。With the agreement of all members of the club, we decided to organize a trip.经俱乐部全体成员一致同意,我们决定组织一次旅行。That would be enough to make sure we fell within the parameters of our loan agreement.那就足以确保我们符合贷款协议的范围。The industry has signed a non-binding agreement to reduce pollution.该企业签署了一份无法律约束力的协议减少污染。They are working out a formal ceasefire agreement.他们正在商定正式停火协议。He conceded to newsmen that an immediate agreement was nowhere in sight.他向记者们承认近期内无望达成协议。The agreement will give the UN some muscle to enforce human rights.这个协定将给联合国一定的权力去推行人权。This was a very one-sided disarmament agreement.这是一份非常不公平的裁军协议。The agreement removes the last serious obstacle to the signing of the arms treaty.这个协议排除了签订武器条约的最后一个严重障碍。No such agreement was made.没有达成任何这样的协议。The assassination could do serious damage to the fragile peace agreement that was signed last month.这起行刺事件可能会对上月签署的脆弱的和平协定造成严重损害。Employers will use this agreement as a test in dealing with future wage claims.雇主将用此协议作为处理日后工资要求的准则。Colombia and Venezuela are currently negotiating a trade agreement.哥伦比亚与委内瑞拉目前正在协商一项贸易协定。The judge kept nodding in agreement.法官不断点头表示赞同。Let us draw up a formal agreement.让我们拟定一份正式协议吧。This agreement is not susceptible to alteration.这一协议不容更改。Their first trial ended in deadlock when the jury could not reach an agreement.陪审团无法作出裁决,他们的第一次审判以僵局告终。The two leaders have reached an outline agreement on controlling short range nuclear weapons.那两位领导人在短程核武器的限制上已经达成一个粗略的协议。The Charlottetown agreement is history.夏洛特敦协定已成为历史。An agreement was finally reached after a lot of back-and-forth between the two sides.双方经多个回合的谈判之后最终达成了一项协议。Both sides obeyed the letter if not the spirit of the agreement.双方都遵守协议的字面条文,虽然不一定遵从协议的精神实质。An agreement to end the war seemed within their grasp.签订协议结束战争似乎在他们的掌握之中。The agreement works because member nations haven't tried to peg prices.因为成员国没有企图限定价格,所以协议起作用了。It is hoped that the negotiations will smooth the way for an agreement later this year.希望这次谈判能为今年稍后时候签订的协议铺平道路。The terms of our tenancy agreement are somewhat unclear.我们的租赁条款有点含糊。There was a murmur of agreement from the crowd.人群中发出表示赞同的低语声。They're sewing up the details of the agreement.他们正在敲定协议最后的细节。He promised to keep up his end of the agreement. 他承诺完成协议中他应该履行的部分。The agreement was signed but its recommendations were never implemented.协定已经签了,但它的具体事项却从未得到实施。The two parties are within striking distance of an agreement.两方即将达成协议。They urged negotiators to make a final push to arrive at an agreement.他们敦促谈判者为达成协议作最后的努力。We reserve the right to make further changes to the agreement if necessary.我们保留必要时对协议做进一步更改的权利。They will accept no agreement that legitimizes the ethnic division of the country.他们不会接受任何使国家民族分裂合法化的协议。Their effort to conclude an agreement was a success.他们为达成协议所付出的努力取得了成果。Officials said there was widespread agreement on the need to promote growth by cutting government spending.政府官员称,人们普遍认为有必要削减政府开支来促进经济增长。It is first and foremost a trade agreement.它首先是一个贸易协定。The agreement will pave the way for restoring economic ties.该协议将为恢复经济联系铺平道路。




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