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词汇 agree to
例句 They had little choice but to agree to what he suggested.他们别无选择,只好接受他的提议。The commissioners agreed to restart talks as soon as possible.委员们同意尽快重新开始会谈。The farm agreed to winter our horses for us.农场同意冬季为我们照料马匹。The two companies agreed to collaborate.两家公司同意合作。They agreed to give him his old job back.他们答应让他恢复原来的工作。The president has agreed to allocate further funds to develop the new submarine.总统已经同意再拨一部分资金开发新潜艇。She agreed to take him on as an assistant.她同意聘他为助理。They agreed to let us live there rent-free.他们同意我们不交租金住在那儿。The housing association agreed to wait for his rent, as he would be paid in arrears.房屋协会同意等待他的租金,因为他是先干活后拿工资的。Donna agreed to both requests.两个请求唐纳都同意了。NATO officials agreed to contribute troops and equipment to such an operation if the UN Security Council asked for it.北约官员同意可在联合国安理会要求的情况下派出部队并提供装备参加这样的军事行动。The seller had agreed to dispatch the goods free of charge.卖方同意免费送货。The two countries agreed to establish full diplomatic relations.两国达成建立全面外交关系的协议。They agreed to sell last year after they ran into financial problems.陷入财政困境以后,他们于去年同意出售。We agreed to the deal with the stipulation that she pay the expenses herself.我们同意协议中她本人承担费用的规定。It was also agreed to reactivate two joint committees on negotiations.磋商中还达成了重启两个联委会的决议。Athletic Bilbao agreed to play a friendly at Real Sociedad.毕尔巴鄂竞技队同意在皇家社会队主场打一场友谊赛。When both partners have agreed to seek help, it is important to look beneath the surface of their accord.当夫妻双方都已同意寻求帮助的时候,探究他们意见一致的背后原因很重要。Unless the government agrees to further talks, a strike seems highly probable.除非政府同意继续谈判,否则极有可能发生罢工。The radio station agreed to beam the president's speech to the whole country.广播电台同意将总统的演说向全国播送。Ministers have agreed to treat all the cases equally.部长们已经同意所有情况一视同仁。They agreed to waive the delivery charges.他们同意免收递送费。Both parties agreed to go to arbitration in order to avoid more strikes by the workers.为了避免工人再度罢工,双方同意提请仲裁。She agreed to an interview. = She agreed to being interviewed.她同意接受采访。We willingly agreed to the proposal.我们很乐意支持这个建议。They eventually agreed to assist the investigation.他们最终同意协助调查。Resolutions are sometimes agreed to nemine dissentiente in the House of Commons.决议有时得到下院的一致赞同。We agreed to divide the money equally between everyone.我们同意把钱平分给每个人。She withheld her rent until the landlord agreed to have the repairs done.她拒付房租,直到房东答应进行维修。You have the power to decide whether or not you'll agree to do it.你有权决定你是否同意做这件事。He agreed to pay me for the drawings.他答应向我支付这些画的钱。It was only after many legal battles that he agreed to hand over the farm.只有在经历了多次法庭争辩之后,他才答应交出农场。One of the jurors agreed to talk about the experience, but did not want to be named.其中一名陪审员愿意谈论这次经历,但不想披露姓名。We agreed to share the cost but later he wouldn't shell out.我们原先同意均摊费用,但后来他却不肯付钱。He canoodled her to agree to his request.他用各种爱抚的手段要她答应他的请求。As the evening went on, it became clear that we should never have agreed to see each other again.那个晚上,随着时间一分分过去,我们都明白了,我们真不应该答应对方再次见面的。We'll need accurate costings before we can agree to fund the project.在同意投资该方案前,我们需要精确的成本计算。It is unclear whether the she will agree to the new arrangements.不清楚她是否会同意新安排。She had readily agreed to the interview, but now she was having second thoughts.她本已乐意接受采访,但是现在她有了别的想法。They agreed to set aside their differences and work together for peace.他们同意搁置分歧,共同为和平而努力。




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