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词汇 agreement with
例句 They concluded an agreement with their neighbouring country.他们与邻邦缔结了一项协定。The council is in agreement with government policy.市议会同意政府的政策。We have a verbal agreement with her.我们和她有个口头协议。In countries which do not have reciprocal health agreements with your own, you will need to take out health insurance.在与本国没有订立医疗保健互惠协定的国家,你必须购买医疗保险。It's illegal to get into a formal agreement with investors that they'll buy in the aftermarket.与投资者达成正式协议、允许他们在后市上买入的做法是非法的。He is very keen to reach agreement with the US on reducing long-range nuclear missiles.他很想和美国达成协议,减少远程核导弹的数量。She had a conditional agreement with her father that she could use the car if she paid for the gas.她和爸爸达成了有附加条件的协议,如果她付油钱就可以用车。Not all scholars are in agreement with her, however.然而,不是所有的学者都与她意见一致。The compact is an agreement with hell.这契约是与恶势力达成的协议。Haydon came to an agreement with his creditors.海登与债主达成了一项协议。He welched on his agreement with the club that he would play for them in February.他本答应二月份替俱乐部打球,但他食言了。Remember that you freely entered into an agreement with them.请记住你们是自愿和他们达成协议的。Mexico and the Philippines have both concluded agreements with their commercial bank creditors.墨西哥和菲律宾均已与商业银行债权人达成了协议。Jim huddled up an agreement with Harding Co. Ltd. and flew back New York this morning.今天上午吉姆匆匆与哈丁公司签订了一份合同,接着就乘飞机返回了纽约。I found myself in agreement with the lawyer, for once.就这一回,我发现自己和律师想法一样。He has come to an agreement with his friend about sharing a car.他同他朋友在合用汽车的问题上已达成了协议。That same year, France concluded a trading agreement with Spain.同年,法国与西班牙达成了一项贸易协定。We are determined to reach agreement with the IMF before the end of the year.我们决心要在年底前与国际货币基金组织达成协议。The company has entered into a sponsorship agreement with the team.公司已经与该队签了赞助协议。Russia has just drawn up a trade agreement with Norway.俄罗斯刚刚与挪威草拟了一份贸易合约。I am in agreement with you that she should be given more responsibilities.我同意你的观点,应该让她负更多的责任。Many other surveys have produced results essentially in agreement with these figures.其他多项调查已产生了与这些数字基本一致的结果。Iran reached a non-nuclear agreement with the world powers and promised that it would reduce the number of centrifuges by two thirds.伊朗与列强达成的禁核协议保证它将会把分离机的数目削减三分之二。The president was in full agreement with the proposal.总统完全赞同该提议。Danvers had come to a private agreement with the owners of the land which secured his right to purchase it.丹弗斯私下里跟这块地的所有人达成了协议,保障他对这块地的购买权。Some workers were left out in the cold in the recent wage agreement with their employers.在最近与雇主订的工资协议中,一些工人被排除在外。They sealed the agreement with a handshake.他们握手成交。We clinched the agreement with a handshake.我们握手达成协议。He entered a hire purchase agreement with a car dealer.他与一家汽车经销商签订了一项分期付款购买汽车的协议。These findings are in agreement with our previous conclusions.这些发现与我们以前的结论一致。She made a gentleman's agreement with her buyer.她和买主立了个君子协定。He managed to reach a partial agreement with both republics.他设法与两个共和国都达成了部分协议。They sealed their agreement with a handshake.他们握手达成协议。He is trying to nail down a missile-reduction agreement with his Russian counterpart.他正试图与俄罗斯的同级官员敲定一项削减导弹的协议。The bilateral agreement with the United States would give our forces access to nuclear ammunition.与美国的双边协议使我们的军队能够接触核武器。David ran through the agreement with Guy, point by point.戴维和盖伊一起把协议逐条看了一遍。His colleagues nodded brightly and chuckled agreement with one another.他的同事们兴高采烈地点头,相互以轻声微笑表示赞同。I have not entered into any financial agreements with them.我还没有和他们订立任何财务协定。I am a hundred percent in agreement with you.我完全同意你的意见。The theatre has reached an agreement with striking actors.剧院已经和罢演的演员达成了协议。




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