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France is the world's second-biggest exporter of agricultural products.法国是世界第二大农产品出口国。The future policy of agricultural development will be charted at the conference.在这次会议上将制定今后农业发展的政策。His analysis of urban use of agricultural land has been proved essentially correct.他有关城市占用农业用地的分析已被证明大体上是正确的。The government hopes to industrialize some of the agricultural regions.政府希望使一些农业地区实现工业化。There are many ways to increase agricultural efficiency in the poorer areas of the world.有很多方法能够提高世界贫困地区的农业效率。Farmers have faced the double whammy of a rising dollar and falling agricultural prices.美元升值加上农产品价格下跌对农民而言可谓是双重打击。On the customs declaration, the sender labelled the freight as agricultural machinery.在海关报税单上,这批货物被发货人列为农业机械。Traditional agricultural methods employed by the local people are highly sustainable.当地人所用的传统农业方法可持续性很强。The country has low/high agricultural productivity.这个国家的农业生产力低/高。In the morning the minister received a deputation from the National Union of Farmers protesting about the government's plans to cut agricultural subsidies.早上部长接待了全国农民协会的一个代表团,他们抗议政府削减农业津贴的计划。The world's supply of agricultural land is shrinking fast.世界农业用地面积正在迅速减少。Good agricultural land is scarce.优良的农田数量不多。A statesman who ought to know better wants to unpick last year's reform of Europe's common agricultural policy.一个不甚了解情况的政客想对去年欧洲普遍的农业政策改革指手画脚。Post-war economic reconstruction in the country must begin with the resumption of agricultural production.这个国家战后经济的重建必须从恢复农业生产开始。She started a movement for agricultural reform.她发起了支持农业改革的运动。Many of the old agricultural collectives are now being turned into corporations similar to those found in the United States.许多老式集体农庄现如今都正在向与美国类似的企业化农场转型。Most of the agricultural land has been restored to its original owners.大多数的农业用地都已经归还给原土地所有者。In the months that followed, agricultural production was brought to a halt.在接下来的几个月里,农业生产陷入停顿。Successful agricultural reform is also a sine qua non of Mexico's modernisation.成功的农业改革也是墨西哥现代化的一个必要条件。Later centuries saw the development of a complex agricultural system.在后来的几个世纪中,一个综合农业体系逐渐形成了。Many of the agricultural holdings are too small to be economically viable.这些农业用地大都面积太小,从经济效益上看并不可行。There's a glut of agricultural products in Western Europe.西欧农产品过剩。The stored water is then used to irrigate nearby agricultural land.储存的水于是用来灌溉附近的农田。The plan was meant to boost agricultural production.该计划旨在提高农业产量。Relief agencies are stepping up efforts to provide food, shelter and agricultural equipment.救济机构正加大力度提供食物、住所和农用器械。Many of the old agricultural collectives are now being turned into agribusiness corporations.许多老式的农业合作群体现在正在转型为农业综合经营公司。They imposed a ceiling on agricultural imports.他们为农产品的进口规定了上限。Farmers in the region have been slow to adopt modern agricultural methods.这个地区的农民在采用现代农耕方法方面步伐很慢。As a landowner, he was actively interested in agricultural improvements.身为土地所有者,他对农业方面的改良非常感兴趣。Climate change could disrupt the agricultural economy.气候变化会给农业经济带来不良影响。The country is in transition from an agricultural to an industrial society.这个国家正从农业社会转变为工业社会。Some weeds have developed resistance to agricultural pesticides.一些杂草已对农用杀虫剂产生了抗药性。Chemical products were used liberally over agricultural land.化学产品曾被大量地用于农田。Farmers have criticized the government's agricultural policy.农场主们批评了政府的农业政策。A clash with America over farm subsidies had left the Europeans and their common agricultural policy shaken but not stirred.在农场补贴问题上和美国之间的冲突使得欧洲人以及其共同的农业政策略受冲击。EU countries are steadily increasing agricultural output.欧盟国家正在稳步提高农业产量。You should be aware of the danger of Europe becoming flooded with low-cost agricultural imports.你应该注意到低成本的进口农产品充斥欧洲市场的危险。Discord over agricultural policy threatens to overshadow the summit.农业政策上的分歧给这次峰会蒙上了阴影。The agricultural advisor will be on seat tomorrow.农业顾问明天会来办公室坐班。The drought has severely disrupted agricultural production.干旱使农业生产严重停滞。 |