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词汇 agrees
例句 Everyone agrees on the urgency of the situation.大家一致认为情况紧急。He agrees with the sentiments expressed in the editorial.他同意社论所表达的观点。I'll say this much for Kay, she always agrees to help whenever we ask her.我要为凯美言几句,只要我们提出来,她总是愿意帮助我们。I find that country life really agrees with me.我发现乡村生活确实很适合我。Okay, with the proviso that Jane agrees, I accept.好,如果简答应,我就接受。She agrees with me that the system is unfair.她和我意见一样,认为这个体制不公平。All this presupposes that he agrees to accept our proposal.所有这一切都以他同意接受我们的建议为先决条件。The debtor agrees to pay the debt over a three-year period.债务人同意在三年期间偿还债务。No-one agrees on how the poem should be interpreted.该如何阐释这首诗未能达成统一意见。The climate agrees with you. 这种气候很适合你。Unsurprisingly, not everyone agrees that things are better.不出所料,并非人人都认同情况有所好转。His second statement agrees with facts as stated by the other witnesses.他的第二份供述与其他目击证人所陈述的事实相符。Everyone agrees that the kids must receive some form of punishment.大家一致认为孩子们应受到某种惩罚。The story agrees with the facts.报道和事实相符。Each member of the alliance agrees to take such action as it deems necessary, including the use of armed force.该联盟的每一位成员国都同意采取其认为必要的行动,包括动用武力。His opponents have no intention of letting him off the hook until he agrees to leave office immediately.在他同意马上离职之前,他的对手不打算放过他。In this policy, the insurer agrees to pay for all medical expenses.这份保险单载明,保险公司同意支付所有医疗费用。He entirely agrees with me.他完全赞同我的意见。Everyone agrees that subsidies have to be slashed.所有人都同意必须大幅度削减补贴。He will resign before he agrees to this.他宁可辞职也不同意此事。I am very much aware that not everyone agrees with me.我非常清楚并不是每个人都与我意见一致。The project can't go ahead until the finance committee agrees.这个项目要等财政委员会同意了才可进行。Some critics have called the movie a masterpiece, but not everyone agrees.有些评论家称这部电影为杰作,但并非所有人都赞同。Unless the government agrees to further talks, a strike seems highly probable.除非政府同意继续谈判,否则极有可能发生罢工。Everyone agrees with what you said - there's no need to belabor the point.每个人都同意你所说的话,没有必要一再重复了。No one agrees on what counts as a desert.关于沙漠的界定,众说纷纭。Everyone agrees things are getting better.大家都认为,情况正在好转。I don't think the food here agrees with me.我觉得这里的食物不对我的胃口。He agrees with his boss to his face, but then criticizes him behind his back.他当面迎合老板,背后却批评他。Whether he agrees or not does not signify.他是否同意并不重要。Everyone agrees the sport is in dire straits.人人都认为这个体育项目已处于岌岌可危的境地。




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