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词汇 injure
例句 You do not go out to injure opponents.人们不会故意去伤害对手。He is alleged to have pulled a knife on the cab driver before using it to injure himself.据称他先拔刀对着那名出租车司机,然后才刺伤了他自己。Many elderly people injure themselves in their own homes, for example by slipping in the bath.许多年长者都是在自己家里受伤的,比如在浴室里滑倒。He believes that the tax will injure small businesses.他认为这项税收将损害小企业的利益。I can say, with absolute truthfulness, that I did not injure her.我可以绝对坦率地说,我没有伤害她。It can be no light matter for the Home Office that so many young prisoners should have wanted to kill or injure themselves.如此众多的年轻囚犯想要自杀或自残,这对于英国内政部来说绝非小事。This incident could seriously injure the company's reputation.这一事件可能会严重损害公司的声誉。I hope I didn't injure her feelings.我希望我没有伤害她的感情。




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