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词汇 inches
例句 A silver BMW missed him by inches.一辆银色的宝马汽车险些撞到他。A meter is equivalent to 39.37 inches.一米相当于三十九点三七英寸。Thin the carrots to two inches apart.把胡萝卜间成相隔两英寸。I have to give my height in feet and inches.我得报出自己的身高是几英尺几英寸。A couple of inches of dry, powdery snow had fallen.下了数英寸厚的粉状干雪。The subject has been given too many column inches.这件事已经让各家报纸炒得沸沸扬扬了。This ruler has one scale in centimeters and another in inches.这把尺有厘米和英寸两种刻度。The wall is shifting a couple of inches every year.这面墙正在以每年几英寸的速度发生移位。The car has a road/ground clearance of seven inches. 这辆轿车的底盘高出地面七英寸。In recent years the sea has risen by a couple of inches.近些年,海面上升了几英寸。We were all shitting bricks as the truck missed the car by inches.当那辆卡车差点撞上小车时,我们都吓坏了。The bullet missed his head by only a few inches.子弹飞过时离他的头部只有几英寸。They awoke to find that several inches of snow had fallen.他们醒来发现已下了几英寸深的雪。His heart gave a little flutter as the ladder slipped a couple of inches.梯子滑动了几英寸,他的心微微跳动了几下。He took shot after shot, each missing by inches.他打了一枪又一枪,每枪都差几英寸没有击中。A sniper's bullet tore up a wall two inches above his head.一颗狙击手的子弹打烂了他头顶上方两英寸地方的墙头。Compost the plants when they are three inches high.苗长到三英寸高时就施肥。The bullet missed my head by inches. 那颗子弹差一点儿击中我的头部。Snow was falling at a rate of three inches per hour.当前降雪速度为每小时三英寸。The shot landed within inches of the cup.这一击球落在离球洞几英寸的地方。The gun was inches away from his face.枪都快贴上他的脸了。He managed to push the window open a few inches.他设法把窗户推开了几英寸。The ball missed the goal by a few inches.球差几英寸没进门。Four inches of rain have fallen in four days.四天的降雨量为四英寸。It took him a great deal of effort just to lift up his arm a few inches.他费了很大力气才把手臂举起了一点点。He escaped death by inches when a tree fell on his tent.一棵树倒在他的帐篷上,他险些被砸死。This type of turtle seldom grows over four inches in length.这种海龟极少超过四英寸长。The measurements are listed in both inches and centimeters.尺寸以英寸和厘米两种单位列出。I've lost another two inches from my tum.我的肚子又小了两英寸。Stan grew two inches in six months.斯坦在六个月里长高了两英寸。Set seeds thinly two inches apart.间隔两英寸稀疏地下种。The ball missed the goal by a few inches.球差了几英寸没进球门。We woke this morning to several inches of fresh powder on the ground.早上醒来,我们发现地上积了几英寸厚刚下的细雪。She has three inches in height on me. 她比我高三英寸。In Mid Wales six inches of snow blocked roads.在威尔士的中部地区,六英寸厚的积雪阻塞了道路。His pants rose a full three inches off his shoes.他的裤脚高出鞋面足足有三英寸。Can you take the legs of these pants up two inches?你能把裤腿改短两英寸吗?Cold weather causes a contraction of two inches in the bridge.寒冷的天气会使这座桥缩短两英寸。The ball stopped just a few inches shy of the hole.球离洞口仅差几英寸时停住了。After a few warm-up tosses, he put the shot 63 feet 6 inches.几次试掷之后,他把铅球投出六十三英尺六英寸远。




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