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词汇 heating
例句 We have a gas-fuelled heating system.我们有一套烧天然气的供暖系统。Well, I see your new house has got all the mod cons you'd expect: a washing machine, a dishwasher, central heating哇,我看到你的新家里你想要的现代化生活设备一应俱全:洗衣机、洗碗机、中央暖气…The competition is heating up.竞争激烈起来了。The house was very cold because the heating had broken down.暖气系统出了毛病,屋里很冷。Is the heating on? I'm freezing.暖气开着吗?我冷死了。She was instantly embarrassed and could feel her face heating up.她当即窘得不行,只觉得脸上一阵发烧。The house has central heating. 这房子有中央供暖系统。The gas is used for domestic heating and cooking.煤气用于家庭取暖和煮食。We recommend an annual service for all central heating boilers.我们建议对所有中央取暖锅炉进行每年一次的检修。If next winter is unusually cold, heating-oil supplies will be very tight.如果未来的冬天天气特别冷的话,取暖用油将供不应求。It's too hot in here, can we turn down the heating?这里面太热了,我们能把暖气关小点吗?Good insulation can save you money on heating bills.好的隔热效果能节省暖气费。The stone-built property is in good condition, with a new tiled roof, shuttered windows and electric heating.这栋石砌房屋的条件很不错,有新铺的瓦片屋顶,装有百叶窗的窗户还有电力供暖系统。With the political battle heating up in Washington, each side will begin pressing Congress.随着华盛顿的政治斗争越来越激烈,各方都将开始对国会施压。The students’ rooms are spartan but clean, with no carpets or central heating.学生房间没有地毯也没有中央供暖装置,虽然简陋但很干净。Is the soup heating up?汤热了吗?Three people have quit, we've had computer problems, and now the heating has broken down. There must be a jinx on this office.三个人辞职不干,电脑出了问题,现在暖气又坏了,这办公室一定见鬼了。You save so much on heating costs with our high-quality windows that the windows will pay for themselves within five years!使用我们的优质窗户,你可以节省大量供暖费用,五年内就可以收回成本。These compartment cars don't have a decent heating system for the passenger end.这些火车车厢没有为乘客座这部分设置良好的暖气系统。The heating was on but the window was open.暖气开着,可窗户也开着。While the water was heating she decided to shake out the carpet.趁着烧水的时候,她决定将地毯抖抖干净。The increase in the tax on heating fuel is causing a lot of anxiety among elderly people.增收供暖燃料税引起老年人的极大忧虑。Once you have installed solar heating you will receive regular follow-up visits from our experts.你一旦安装了太阳能供暖装置,就会有专家定期到访跟进。She was too mean to put the heating on.她很吝啬,不肯打开暖气。The heating system would only be adequate for a much smaller house.这供暖设备只够一所小得多的房子使用。Electric heating is all very well until there's a power cut.如果不停电的话,电暖气还可以。They did something to the central heating and now it doesn't work.他们对集中供暖系统做了些改动,现在它不能运转了。I had to call out a plumber to check the central heating system.我不得不叫来水暖工检查集中供暖系统。The debate about birthing methods is heating up again.又一场关于分娩方法的辩论愈演愈烈。Certain guidelines can be given. First, have a heating engineer check the safety of the system.可以提供一些指导原则:第一,找位供暖工程师检查系统的安全性。I'm staying with Sally until my heating gets fixed – it's just a temporary arrangement.在我的暖气装上之前我和萨莉一起住,这只是个暂时的安排。The rent is $300, inclusive of heating.房租三百元,包括暖气费在内。The central heating was coming on and the ancient wooden boards creaked.中央供暖系统开始工作,弄得那些老掉牙的木板嘎吱作响。Try turning down the heating.把暖气关小点试试。The heating doesn't work.暖气坏了。The heating has switched off.暖气设备关掉了。The heating in winter was almost nil.冬季供暖设施几乎毫无用处。The house soon warms up with the heating on.暖气一开,屋子里很快就暖和起来了。It was midwinter, there was no heating and it was cold.深冬时节了,没有暖气,冷得很。The water in the kettle is heating slowly.壶中的水正在慢慢热起来。




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