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词汇 antisocial
例句 Make a list of your child's toys and then categorise them as sociable or antisocial.把孩子的玩具列个单子,然后将其分为交际型和非交际型两类。Because she was so shy, people often thought she was antisocial.她很腼腆,所以人们常常觉得她不合群。If I don't go tonight, everyone will accuse me of being antisocial.要是我今晚不去,所有人都会指责我不合群。Smoking is an antisocial habit.吸烟是一种令人讨厌的行为。Toddlers are notoriously antisocial when it comes to sharing toys.众所周知,刚学会走路的孩子不愿和别人分享玩具。Almost overnight, that sweet, little child had transmogrified into an antisocial monster.几乎是一夜之间,那个可爱的小孩彻底变成了一个反社会的魔王。I hope they won't think I'm antisocial if I don't join them in the bar.我希望他们不要因为我不跟他们一起去酒吧,就认为我不合群。These people are termed antisocial.这些人被称为悖违社会公德。He is a standoffish and antisocial person.他是个不合群又厌恶社交的人。Spitting and littering in public places are examples of antisocial behaviour.在公共场所随地吐痰和乱丢东西是违反公益行为的例子。Not everyone who likes playing computer games is an antisocial loner.并不是所有喜欢玩电脑游戏的人都性格孤僻。The majority of infants are biased towards being social rather than being antisocial.大多数婴儿的性格偏向于合群,而非不合群。His behaviour was called provocative and antisocial.他的行为被认为是煽动性的和反社会的。Increasingly, smoking is regarded as an antisocial habit.越来越多的人把吸烟视为危害公共利益的恶习。His behavior was called provocative and antisocial.他的行为被认为是煽动性的和反社会的。My neighbor is antisocial.我的邻居对人不友好。He works antisocial hours.他在非正常时间工作。Crime is antisocial.犯罪是危害他人的行为。You have to realize that public fighting in a night club is an antisocial behavior.你必须认识到在夜店公然打架是扰乱社会的行为。People with antisocial personality disorder often have no concern for their own safety and that of others.具有反社会型人格障碍的人对自身和他人的安全丝毫不关心。She's not being antisocial; she's just shy at parties.她不是不友善;她只是在聚会上腼腆而已。




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