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例句 When asked to confirm whether all the missing soldiers were accounted for, the Lieutenant answered in the negative.中尉被要求确认失踪的士兵是否都有下落的时候,他的回答是否定的。He answered our questions in English but with a thick accent.他用英语回答了我们的问题,不过口音很重。She is annoyed that he has not answered her letter.他没有给她写回信使她很生气。The question was answered by an angry roar from the assembled thousands.成千上万的集会者以怒吼声回答了那问题。She answered with a brandish of her umbrella.她挥动著伞回答。There was fury in his voice as he answered her.他回答她时声音里含着怒气。When questioned about the robbery, Hughes answered that he knew nothing about it.休斯接受审问的时候回答说,他对这宗劫案一无所知。Now that we have answered that question, let's press on.既然我们已经回答了这个问题,就坚持下去吧。He answered her anger with indifference. 对于她的愤怒他无动于衷。I sent her a letter asking for her help, but she never answered.我写了封信向她求助,但她一直没有回复。I knocked on the door for a long time, but no one answered.我敲了好一会儿门,但是没有人来应门。The glitter of the necklace was answered by the glitter of the engagement ring.项链和订婚戒指的光芒交相辉映。I finally answered a question that had always niggled me.我终于解决了一个一直让我担心的问题。Derek was taken aback when a man answered the phone.德里克吓了一跳,居然是一个男的接的电话。She answered his questions perfunctorily.她草草地回答了他的问题。She should have answered the letter yesterday, but it went right out of her mind.她本应昨天回信,但她却忘得一干二净。 She answered in a halting voice.她支支吾吾地回答。She answered correctly/incorrectly.她答对/错了。I rang the doorbell but no-one answered.我按了门铃,但是没人开门。The man continued talking. She answered him desultorily.那个男人继续说着。她有一句没一句地应着。He answered with composure.他镇定地作答。She was offended when he answered her roughly.他回答她时语气严厉,她便生气了。He answered their questions without missing a beat. 他毫不犹疑地回答了他们的所有问题。He answered the question with a cautious reply.他谨慎地回答了这个问题。He dutifully answered my questions.他很负责地回答了我的问题。A deep-voiced man answered the phone.一个声音低沉的男人接听了电话。She looked her father straight in the eye and answered his question truthfully.她直视着父亲的眼睛,诚实地回答了他的问题。Our soldiers answered with heavy fire.我们的士兵报以猛烈的火力。She put on a Southern accent when she answered the phone.她接电话时装出一口南方口音。She answered these embarrassing questions with presence of mind.她镇定自若地回答这些令人为难的问题。She answered him in a brisk, matter-of-fact tone.她以干脆而不带感情的语气回答了他。When they answered, he asked to talk to Lee.他们接了电话,他要求和李通话。The Prime Minister answered his critics in a televised speech.首相在电视讲话中还击了他的批评者。She answered with a grin.她报以露齿一笑。After another reflective silence he answered.再一次沉思默想之后,他便作了回答。He answered her with a grunt.他嘟哝着回答她。Steve was out for the count, so I answered the phone.史蒂夫睡得很熟,所以是我接的电话。She answered their questions as best she could. 她尽力回答了他们的问题。She answered with surety. 她给出了肯定的回答。He answered with a wag of his head/finger.他摇了摇头/手指表示回答。




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