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词汇 filed
例句 His lawyers filed a petition for all charges to be dropped.他的律师提请撤销所有指控。The policeman filed his report.这位警察呈递了他的报告。She filed a petition for divorce.她提交了离婚申请书。The pilot filed a flight plan before taking off.那名飞行员在起飞前提交了飞行计划。I have a jagged tooth that has to be filed.我的一颗牙出现了深缺口,得去锉一锉。People filed into the room and sat down.人们鱼贯而入,然后坐了下来。He filed/brought a suit against her.他对她提起诉讼。More than one correspondent filed a story about the incident.不止一名记者发稿报道这起事件。They filed the report in a routine manner.他们按常规方式将报告归档提交。Documents can be actioned, or filed immediately.文件可执行,或立即存档。She mentally filed the name away for later.她把这个名字记在心里,以便以后用。Slowly, people filed into the room and sat down.人们排成一列缓慢地依次走进房间,并坐了下来。He filed/brought suit against her.他对她提起诉讼。He filed an urgent story to his newspaper in London.他给在伦敦的报社发了一篇紧急报道。When the newspaper refused to admit that the story was false, the actor filed/initiated a lawsuit against the publisher. 那位演员在报社拒绝承认其报道失实后提出了诉讼。The soldiers filed past the podium.士兵们列队经过台前。She filed a habeas corpus petition on Padilla's behalf.她代表帕迪利亚递交了人身保护申请书。She has filed a petition for divorce.她已向法院申请离婚。The union has filed a formal grievance , accusing the company of unfair labor practices.工会已正式投诉,控告公司不公平的用工举措。Wails of grief were heard as visitors filed past the site of the disaster.来访者列队走过灾难现场时听见到处都是哀号声。A suit has been filed against the company.这家公司已经被起诉。Catherine Bond filed that report for the BBC from Nairobi.凯瑟琳·邦德从内罗毕向英国广播公司传送了那篇报道。We picked up our conference materials and filed into the lecture hall.我们领取会议材料后鱼贯进入学术报告厅。The baby's records are filed under the mother's last name.宝宝的记录归档在母亲的姓氏下。Her attorney filed a motion for an injunction.她的律师申请施行禁止令。A lawsuit is being filed on behalf of the injured party/person.正在为受害方/人提起诉讼。The company brought/filed criminal charges against her.公司对她提起了刑事诉讼。The card is filed alphabetically under the name of the editor.卡片按编辑者姓名的字母顺序归档。A number of them have filed formal complaints against the police.他们中的许多人都对警方提出了正式控告。She carefully filed all the documents.她将全部文件仔细地整理归档。He filed war stories for the magazine to eke a living.他靠给杂志撰写战争故事来勉强度日。Subsequently, the company filed for bankruptcy.随后,该公司申请了破产。He filed a story incorrectly indicating that the strike was over.他发了一篇报道,错误地指出罢工已经结束。I looked to see if anything was filed under my name.我看了看,想知道是否有什么档案存在我的名下。He filed a complaint against his employer.他控告自己的雇主。Dr Engelmann had filed the scrap of wild vine away as a curiosity.恩格尔曼博士将这一段野藤蔓存档,视为珍宝。He filed a divorce suit that is still pending.他提起了离婚诉讼,但尚未判决。All the folders have been carefully numbered and filed away.所有文件夹都被精心编号归档。He has now formally filed a complaint against the police.他已经正式提出对警方的投诉。She filed the papers arsy-varsy.她把文件乱七八糟地归档。




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