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词汇 engage
例句 They tried to engage him in conversation.他们试图跟他交谈。Teachers here are not allowed to engage in any political activity.这儿的教师不准参加任何政治活动。We want to engage recognized leaders in discussion.我们想和公认的领袖们进行讨论。We don't engage in that sort of behavior.我们不会有那样的行为。This administration refuses to engage in finger-pointing.这届政府拒绝将问题归咎他人。The company is to engage a new sales director.公司欲聘用一名新的销售经理。Many movies require the viewer to engage in a willing suspension of disbelief.许多电影要求观众自觉自愿将不信任暂时撇开。When I tried to engage him in conversation, she always interrupted.我试图让他参与谈话的时候,她总是打岔。We continue to engage in active dialogue with the Treasury.我们继续积极与财政部对话。A true gentleman would never engage in such behavior.真正的君子决不会那样做的。Make sure you continue to engage the audience by looking at them.注视观众以确保你一直吸引着他们。Just as your therapist engages to be honest, you have to engage to be honest as well.正如你的治疗师保证实话实说一样,你也必须保证说实话。He sure can engage an audience.他肯定能够吸引观众的注意力。The party is attempting to engage young voters politically.这个政党设法让年轻选民参与政治。We'll engage in the policy debate.我们将参加政策辩论。Fangirls love shows not just for their good qualities but for the opportunities they provide to engage emotionally with what's on the screen.这些节目的年轻女性狂热爱好者喜欢的不仅仅是节目的高质量,也是因为这些节目为她们提供了与屏幕内容感情互动的机会。Industry leaders want scientists to engage in fundamental research, not applied research.行业领袖希望科学家从事基础性研究,而非应用性研究。Expert advice is available for investors who wish to engage in future planning.投资者如希望为未来制定计划可以征求专家的意见。A good radio script should be able to engage the listener.好的电台播音稿应该能够吸引住听众。Everyone is free to engage in peaceful political activity.每个人都有自由参加和平的政治活动。His troops will only engage in a ground battle when all the odds are in their favour.他的部队只有在胜券在握的时候才打地面战。Press the lever until you hear the catch engage.压下挡杆,直到听到挡挂好。She is accused of failing to engage with the problems of her staff.她被指责对员工的问题不理不睬。The mechanism failed to engage, causing a fault.机械无法啮合,就产生了故障。I suggest you engage the services of a lawyer. 我建议你聘请一位律师。He likes to engage in lively discourse with his visitors.他喜欢与来访者进行轻松的交谈。The mob did not venture to engage against musketry and cannon with their knives.那群暴徒不敢以刀剑来对抗滑膛枪和火炮。The teeth of one gear engage with the teeth of the other.一个齿轮的牙齿与另一个齿轮的牙齿啮合在一起。Any person who has the capacity to contract may as a principal engage an agent to contract on his behalf.任何有能力签约的人都可以作为委托人聘用代理人代表自己签订合约。The vet was increasingly busy and had to engage two new assistants.这位兽医越来越忙,不得不聘请两名新助手。She had vowed to go out of her way to engage with the Irish people at local community level.她已经发誓要努力与当地的爱尔兰人建立密切关系。You must engage the clutch in order to change gear.你要踩下离合器才能换挡。Their forces were waiting to engage the US fleet.他们的部队等待着与美国舰队交战。He tried to engage me in conversation.他设法跟我攀谈。He likes to engage in online chats/discussions.他喜欢参与在线聊天/讨论。He made no attempt to engage them in conversation.他没有试图与他们交谈。Before each debate, he is expected to engage in mock debate.在每次正式辩论前,他得先参加演习性的辩论。The book fails to engage with the problems of our time.这本书没有关注我们这个时代的问题。Some of those books engage in nearly incredible falsification of the facts about the experiments.其中有些书对实验事实作出几乎令人难以置信的篡改。I remained for some time endeavouring to engage Mr Campbell in conversation.我有好一段时间仍然力图使坎贝尔先生也参与进谈话中来。




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