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词汇 Egypt
例句 She'd just returned from a month-long visit to Egypt.她去了埃及一个月,刚刚回来。Kamal was a vendor in Egypt's open-air bazaar.卡迈勒是埃及露天集市的小商贩。I never knew Egypt was so big!我以前一直不知道埃及有这么大!Egypt and Jordan welcomed news of the deal as a major breakthrough.埃及和约旦对有关此项协议的消息表示欢迎,称它为一大突破。Wool and timber were sent to Egypt in exchange for linen or papyrus.毛料和木材被运到埃及以换取亚麻布或纸莎草纸。We had to cancel our visit to Egypt because of unforeseen problems.我们由于碰上了意料不到的问题,不得不取消了埃及之行。The American Congress has agreed to forgive Egypt's military debt.美国国会已经同意免除埃及的军事债务。Apart from the Nile valley, Egypt is mostly desert.除了尼罗河谷,埃及大部分地区都是沙漠。He eventually became ruler over all Egypt.他最终成为全埃及的统治者。He forecast that the people of Egypt would rise up and overthrow the government.他预测说埃及人民会起来反抗并推翻政府。The pharaohs of ancient Egypt were considered divine. 古埃及的法老们被尊为神。He spent most of his childhood in Egypt.他童年大部分时间在埃及度过。Egypt wants to solve the problem in an atmosphere of cordiality.埃及想要友好地解决该问题。Ti was the first queen of Egypt to have her name appear on official acts alongside that of her husband.泰是第一个与丈夫的名字一起出现在官方正式记录中的埃及王后。Trampoline and tumbling can be traced to archaeological drawings in ancient China,Egypt and Persia.有关蹦床和翻筋斗的描绘,可以上溯至古代中国、埃及和波斯的壁刻画。Her gran lent her a camera for a school trip to Venice and Egypt.她奶奶借给她一架相机,让她带上参加学校组织的威尼斯和埃及之旅。The boats were built in Scotland, and transported to Egypt in sections.船只在苏格兰建造,分装运往埃及。Egypt as the granary of the ancient world作为古代世界文明主要发源地的埃及Egypt is once again accepted as an important voice in Arab politics.埃及作为阿拉伯政坛的重要声音再次被认可。He left today on a roundabout route for Jordan and is also due soon in Egypt.他今天启程绕道去约旦,用不了多久还会去埃及。Similar customs were known in widely divergent cultures such as Ancient Egypt and Scandinavia.在一些大不相同的文化中存在着相似的习俗,比如古埃及和斯堪的纳维亚。The American Congress has agreed to forgive Egypt's military debt.美国国会同意免除埃及的军事债务。The new moon was the occasion of festivals of rejoicing in Egypt.在埃及,新月之时是欢庆之日。He is now living in exile in Egypt.他目前流亡埃及。He is living in exile in Egypt.他在埃及过着流亡生活。She always claimed her family was descended from the ancient Kings of Egypt.她一直声称她们家族是古埃及王室的后裔。She published an encyclopedic study of ancient Egypt.她出版了一本全面研究古埃及的书。Egypt has given almost unqualified backing to Washington.埃及几乎全力支持华盛顿。He was in command of the British Army in Egypt.他统帅驻扎在埃及的英国军队。The Arab countries include Iraq, Saudi Arabia, Syria, and Egypt.阿拉伯国家包括伊拉克、沙特阿拉伯、叙利亚和埃及。We thought that Egypt was an incredibly romantic country.我们以前认为埃及是个充满传奇色彩的国家。They denied a report that Egypt had agreed to a summit, subject to certain conditions.他们否认了宣称埃及已同意在特定条件下参加峰会的报道。The cult of Isis was carried from Egypt into Greece and Rome.对伊希斯的膜拜从埃及传到了希腊和罗马。In Egypt, two new camps were readied for the absorption of refugees.在埃及,两个新的营地已经准备好收留难民了。You'll need some jabs if you're going to Egypt.如果你去埃及,需要打一些防疫针。Pharaohs reigned over Egypt for centuries.法老在埃及统治了几个世纪。Egypt is still a major power in the Middle East.埃及仍然是中东地区一个重要的强国。Egypt is in North Africa.埃及在北非。Egypt has lost out on revenues from the Suez Canal.埃及在苏伊士运河上的收益上受了损。The Aswan High Dam is on the River Nile in Egypt.阿斯旺大坝位于埃及境内的尼罗河上。




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