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词汇 dreary
例句 Just grinding on for hours gets dreary.就这么磨磨蹭蹭了几个小时,让人乏味无聊。Her cheerful mood stands in sharp contrast to her dreary surroundings.她欢快的情绪和她所处的沉闷环境形成鲜明对比。She gazed out of the window at the dreary landscape.她茫然地看着窗外毫无新意的风景。The fire was a cheerful sight on such a cold, dreary day.在这样寒冷、沉闷的日子里,看见火令人精神为之一振。It was a gray, dreary morning.那是一个灰暗阴沉的早晨。Cooking for one person can be a dreary business, as many elderly people find.做饭只有一个人吃很没劲,许多老人都这么觉得。So a dreary Monday afternoon in Walthamstow is nothing to write home about, right?这么说,在沃尔瑟姆斯托度过的一个沉闷的周一下午没什么值得大书特书的,是吗?Long and lonely he paced the dreary beach beneath a wintry sky.在冬天的天空下,他久久而孤独地在阴沉的沙滩上走了很久。Laurie gazed out over a dreary landscape of factories and parking lots.劳里望着外面一片单调乏味的景色,全是工厂和停车场。Copying manuscripts all the time is dreary work.老是抄写手稿是件枯燥乏味的差事。Her cheerful mood contrasts sharply with her dreary surroundings.她欢快的情绪和她所处的沉闷环境形成鲜明对比。It is a dreary little town where few would choose to linger.这是个沉闷的小镇,没几个人会愿意在此流连。The landscape was dreary and uninspiring.这处景观很沉闷,缺少灵气。No more dreary winters – we're moving to Florida.不会再有可怕的冬天了 — 我们就要搬到佛罗里达去了。The song was dreary and repetitive.这首歌又枯燥又重复。He gazed out of an office window on a wet and dreary day.他凝视着办公室窗外潮湿、阴郁的天色。I was living in a dreary apartment in a run-down part of town.我住在镇上破败不堪的地区内一套死气沉沉的公寓套房里。The dreary uniformity of the housing estate appals me.住宅区的房屋千篇一律,我觉得糟透了。She had spent another dreary day in the office.她在办公室里又度过了枯燥的一天。They live such dreary lives.他们的生活如此乏味!She longed to leave her dreary hometown.她渴望离开她那沉闷的家乡。This room is so dreary. How can we brighten it up?这房间这么阴沉,我们怎么让它亮丽起来?A dreary afternoon in Walthamstow is nothing to write home about.沃尔瑟姆斯托的沉闷午后乏善可陈。The family struggled through dreary economic times.一家人熬过了经济拮据的时期。It was a dreary day, cold and without sunshine.那一天天气阴郁,既冷又没有阳光。




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