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词汇 disco
例句 There's a disco at the school tonight.今晚学校有迪斯科舞会。He chants his lyrics over an infectious disco beat.他随着富有感染力的迪斯科节奏反复吟唱自己的歌词。The disco bouncer threw out four drunk teenagers.迪斯可舞厅的保镖把四个酒醉的青少年赶出去。Teenage disco music pumped out at every station.每个电台都在播放震耳欲聋的青年迪斯科音乐。The room was made up to look like a disco.房间被装饰得像个迪斯科舞厅。A disco isn't exactly a den of iniquity.迪斯科舞厅并非完全是藏污纳垢之处。They gave a virtuoso display of disco dancing.他们表演了精彩的迪斯科舞蹈。He was injured in a Saturday-night fracas outside a disco.他星期六晚上在一家迪斯科舞厅外的一次斗殴中受了伤。One of the girls was clinging to me all night at the disco. I just couldn't get rid of her.有一个女孩在迪斯科舞会上整晚都缠着我,我怎么也摆脱不了她。Their music is a curious blend of disco and rock.他们的音乐是迪斯科和摇滚乐的奇特组合。They all went to the disco to eye up the local talent.他们都到迪斯科舞厅去看当地美人。He was killed during a series of running fights outside a disco.他在一家迪斯科舞厅外的一连串斗殴中被杀。He's a rather over-serious disco trainspotter with a record collection instead of a brain.他是个过分认真的迪斯科音乐迷恋狂,除了他的唱片收藏脑子里就没有别的。Their national distraction is going to the disco.他们的全民消遣就是去蹦迪。Teenage disco music pumped out at every station.每一站都喧闹地播放着十几岁少年所喜爱的劲爆迪斯科音乐。It was a horrible disco with lights flashing and music blaring.这个迪斯科舞厅很可怕,灯光变幻不定,音乐震耳欲聋。A disco ball revolved slowly over the empty dance floor.在空荡荡的舞池上方,一个迪斯科转球在慢慢地旋转。Guests bopped and jigged the night away to the disco beat.客人们整个晚上随着迪斯科的节奏跳博普舞和吉格舞。It was a small seaside town with a couple of bars and one shabby-looking disco.那是一个海滨小镇,有几家酒吧和一家肮脏破旧的迪斯科舞厅。The hotel has four restaurants, a bar and a disco, as well as an impressive range of sporting facilities.这家酒店有四个餐馆、一个酒吧和一个迪斯科舞厅,还有各种令人难忘的体育运动设施。He says that disco is dead.他说迪斯科已经过时了。The disco went on until beyond midnight.迪斯科舞会一直持续到午夜以后。Blacks are more likely to be carded by disco doormen.在迪斯科舞厅门口,黑人比其他人更有可能被要求出示身份证。Fridays and Saturdays are regular disco nights.周五和周六是固定的迪斯科之夜。Tuesday night is disco night at the pub.周二晚上是酒吧的迪斯科之夜。When I was in highschool disco was already on the way out.我上高中的时候,迪斯科已经开始过时了。A sit-down dinner was followed by a disco.晚宴之后播放了一曲迪斯科舞曲。




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