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His plans almost caught security chiefs and hotel staff on the hop.他的计划几乎让安全主管和饭店工作人员都措手不及。Water industry chiefs were rapped yesterday for failing their customers.昨天,水利行业的头头们因为怠慢客户而受到批评。Holiday spots have seen a dramatic revival and tourist chiefs are competing for a slice of the action.各个度假点重又呈现出一派兴旺景象,旅游业的龙头老大们都在争着分一杯羹。The high-powered delegation includes military and foreign intelligence chiefs.这个高层代表团包括军事将领和外交情报部门长官。The police chiefs will hold a consultation with all the relevant groups.警察局长们将同所有相关群体举行协商会议。They can't create a society that wants all chiefs and no Indians.他们无法缔造一个只要头头不要普通成员的社团。In portraits, chiefs were invariably shown full face.画像里,酋长总是正面像。Most health chiefs believe the reforms have gone too far.大多数卫生部领导人都觉得改革搞得过火了。FA chiefs could still face a rap and a possible fine.足协高层可能还要受到训诫并被处以罚款。Police chiefs called on the local people to unite against the drug dealers.警长们号召当地百姓联合起来反对毒贩。Security chiefs fear a new wave of terrorist bombings.安全部门的首脑担心会发生新一轮恐怖主义炸弹袭击浪潮。Police chiefs strongly defended police conduct against a wave of criticism.针对批评的浪潮,警察局长们极力为警方的行为进行辩护。Police chiefs have dismissed talk of a major feud.几位警察局长否认了积怨已久的谣言。Party chiefs held an inquest into the election disaster.政党领袖对选举惨败的原因进行了调查。Scots rugby chiefs have cast envious eyes across the Irish Sea for a few years now.苏格兰橄榄球队主教练这几年一直想效仿爱尔兰海彼岸爱尔兰队的做法。Fire chiefs praised a 10-year-old girl who saved her brother's life yesterday.昨天消防队长们表扬了一名拯救了弟弟生命的十岁女孩。Tourism chiefs in York are drawing up plans to attract more people.约克旅游界的老总们正在制订计划以吸引更多的人。His plea came last night as party chiefs held an inquest into the election disaster.昨晚政党领袖就选举惨败原因进行调查时,他提出了申辩。The men mustered before their clan chiefs.男人们聚集在族长们面前。A list of well-known fraudsters was circulated to all local police chiefs.著名诈骗犯的名单传发给了当地所有的警长。But Ivanisevic's no-show will be a blow for Wimbledon chiefs.但伊万尼塞维奇不能参赛对温布尔登主办方将是一个重大打击。Police chiefs appealed to the terrorists to call a halt to their campaign.警长们呼吁恐怖分子停止活动。The chiefs were ingenious at finding reasons not to move.这些头头们善于寻找按兵不动的种种理由。Government chiefs are worried that the refugee problem might spill over from neighboring countries.政府的长官担心邻国的难民问题会蔓延开来。 |