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He joined the consular service, chiefly because this was one of the few job vacancies.他到领事馆工作,主要因为那是仅有的几个空缺职位之一。The island chiefly attracts upmarket tourists.这个岛屿所吸引的主要是高消费阶层的游客。Vultures live chiefly on carrion.秃鹰主要以腐肉为生。The letter is chiefly concerned with export commodities.这封信主要是关于出口商品的。The memo is chiefly concerned with hiring policies. 那份备忘录主要是关于雇佣政策的。It's been one of the factors chiefly responsible for improved public health.这是公共卫生得以改善的主要因素之一。Their worries were chiefly about money.他们尤为金钱发愁。The disease occurs chiefly in children.这种病主要发生在孩子身上。He will be remembered chiefly for the innovations of his early years at the school.他将主要因自己早年在学校进行的那些革新而被人们记住。The experiment failed, chiefly because of high winds.实验失败了,主要原因是刮大风。The bird lives chiefly on mice and other small animals.这种鸟主要捕食老鼠及其他小动物。Their diet chiefly consists of grain and vegetables.他们的饮食主要是谷类和蔬菜。The instrument is chiefly used to measure and record heart function.这个仪器主要用于测量和记录心脏功能。The land was used chiefly for pasture.这土地多半用作牧场。We're chiefly concerned with protecting the environment.我们主要关心的是保护环境。America recruited her population chiefly from Europe.美国主要从欧洲移民增加人口。He was dressed in chiefly finery.他穿着华丽的酋长服饰。Five men were chiefly responsible for the revolution.革命的主要负责人有五位。The work consists chiefly of interviewing the public.这份工作主要是采访公众。Thus far media studies has been chiefly concerned with media content.迄今,传媒学主要研究的是媒体传播内容。Money raised by the new tax is to be used chiefly for road construction.新税收所得将主要用于修建马路。The rock is composed chiefly of quartz.这种岩石主要由石英组成。His response to attacks on his work was chiefly bewilderment.听到别人对自己工作的指责,他的反应主要是困惑。These noises were made chiefly with klaxon horns.这些噪音主要是汽车喇叭造成的。I lived abroad for years, chiefly in Italy.我长年住在国外,主要是在意大利。This vegetable juice is made up chiefly of tomatoes.这种蔬菜汁主要由西红柿制成。He plays golf chiefly for the exercise.他打高尔夫球主要是为了锻炼身体。There are branches of the shop all over the country, but chiefly in the south.该商店在全国各地都有分店,但主要分布在南方。 |