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词汇 风气
例句 The city, aside from being an industrial centre, enjoys a high moral record.这城市不但是个工业中心,道德风气也一向很好。In many ways, our society actively promotes alcoholism.我们的社会从多个方面助长了酗酒的风气It will put a premium on drinking in the district.这将助长地区内的酗酒风气Growth and change are the order of the day in every field.发展和变革为各个领域的一种风气Alcohol abuse has reached epidemic proportions in this country.在这个国家,酗酒已成为一种风气He does not believe environmental concern is a passing fad.他不相信对环境的关注只是一时的风气In these locomotive days tourism has become the mainstay of the country.在当今旅行风气很盛的时代,旅游业成了这个国家的主要收益。The voguish style of address now is simply by name.现在招呼人时直呼其名已蔚为风气Their refusal to remove the public-house will put a premium on drinking in the district.他们拒绝搬迁酒店,将助长本地区的酗酒风气




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