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例句 She sauntered onto the set, looking serenely confident.从容地走到拍摄片场,看起来沉着而自信。We set off at a leisured pace.我们从容地上路了。Jill has such a lovely relaxed temperament.吉尔性格随和从容,非常讨人喜欢。Calmly and deliberately, she cut up his suits one by one.她平静从容地把他的西服一件一件剪成碎片。John, with great deliberation, put his books into his briefcase.约翰从容地把书放进了他的公文包里。I told her what had happened and she took it all in her stride.我告诉了她发生的事情,她完全从容地去应对。Ann moved with easy grace.安举止优雅从容Her voice was calm and unhurried.她的语调平静而且从容He is easy in conversation and graceful in manner.他谈吐从容,举止优雅。He's so calm when he answers questions in interviews. I wish I could be that coherent.他在面试中回答问题时非常从容镇静。我希望自己也能那样条理清晰。He shed his seminarian's shyness and even appeared relaxed with women.他摆脱了神学院学生特有的腼腆,甚至同女人在一起也显得从容随便了。I was impressed by their friendliness, ease, and naturalness.我对他们的友善、从容和大方印象深刻。Sue's always had a laid-back attitude toward life.休对生活的态度一向悠然从容In an e-mail, I can write at leisure about my inner thoughts.在电子邮件中,我可以从容地写下自己内心的想法。The shy little girl has grown into a poised young woman.那个羞涩的小女孩已经长成了一位从容大方的年轻女子。Most kids get teased a bit at school - they have to learn to take it in their stride.大多数孩子在学校都会受到一些取笑,他们得学会从容地应对。Kate handled the situation very coolly.凯特非常从容地处理了这一情况。She moves with delicate grace and freedom.她走起路来优雅而从容She always walks at a leisured pace.她走路总是步态从容A good pool player takes time deciding which shot to play.一个优秀的台球选手会从容考虑击哪个球。She walked along, calm and unhurried.她往前走着,神色从容,不慌不忙。We envied Sharon's ease in social situations.我们曾嫉妒莎伦在社交场合的从容自得。She gave a cool, controlled smile, then left.从容克制地笑了笑,然后就走了。We set off again at a more sedate pace.我们重新上路了,步调更加从容He approached her with slow, deliberate steps.他迈着缓慢、从容的步子向她走去。I thought she'd be upset, but she has taken the news in stride.我以为她会很难过,但她从容接受了这个消息。He's a very relaxed guy.他是个非常从容的人。He stroked away the questions bowled towards him with practised ease.他熟练从容地把向他投来的问题都一一打发掉了。She walked coolly up to the front of the hall and picked up the microphone.从容地走到会堂前排,拿起话筒。She walked across the stage with effortless grace.她优雅从容地走过舞台。Take time to consider before you rush into anything.宁愿从容考虑,不要仓促行事。Catherine Deneuve seemed to typify cool Gallic elegance.凯瑟琳‧德纳芙堪称典型法国式从容优雅风度的化身。




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