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例句 He read the article straight through, looking for any scrap of information that might have passed him by.他将那篇文章从头读到尾,寻找先前可能漏看的任何一点零星信息。She pulled the dress off over her head.她迅速把衣服从头上脱下来。Let's run through the play from the beginning.让我们把这出戏从头排练一遍。These bonds present a great opportunity to get in on the ground floor of this venture.这些债券为从头参与这个风险投资提供了绝好机会。The wind blew his hat from off his head.风把他的帽子从头上吹下来了。It's so long since I spoke German, I'd have to go right back to the beginning if I took a class in it now.我很久没讲德语了,如果我现在上德语课,就得从头学起。Tell me the whole story, right from the beginning.给我讲一下整件事,从头讲。He plans to do it over again.他打算从头再做一遍。I sat through all three performances but none of them was any good.三个节目我都从头看到尾,可是没一个节目是精彩的。Let's think back to the dawn of time.让我们从头回想一下。She took the clip out of her hair.她把发夹从头上取下来。He threw himself down as the bullet flew overhead.子弹从头上飞过时他立刻趴下。It's already taken me two hours - I don't want to have to do it all over again.这已经花了我两个钟头了,我可不想从头再做一次。I've been jumping about the file instead of working straight through it.我随意翻看这份文件,而不是从头看到尾。Once it has finished, the DVD automatically begins again.数字激光视盘放完后会自动从头再开始播放。If the teacher doesn't like your essay, you have to do it all over again.如果老师不满意你的作文,你就得从头再写。When you realise they are singing the same songs over again, the novelty wears off.当你意识到他们开始从头演唱同样的歌曲时,新鲜感也就没有了。The conductor had us play the piece again from the beginning.乐队指挥让我们把曲子从头又演奏了一遍。A strong gust of wind blew his hat off his head.一阵大风把他的帽子从头上刮了下来。Tell me everything that happened, from the beginning.把发生的事全部告诉我,从头讲起。Let's rehearse the scene from the top.我们从头排练这一场吧。His helmet had slipped off his head because in his hurry he had not fastened it properly under his chin.他的头盔从头上滑落了,因为他匆忙之间没有把下巴上的带子系好。I used to read every issue from cover to cover.以前我每一期都会从头读到尾。The singer didn't come in on beat, so the pianist started the song over.歌手没有跟上拍子唱,所以钢琴师又从头弹奏这支歌。More heat is lost through the head than through any other part of the body.从头部散失的热量比从身体其他任何部位散失的热量都要多。




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