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词汇 面上
例句 Scatter sprinkles over the top of the cake and press on them gently so that they stick to the chocolate.在蛋糕面上撒些彩糖并轻轻按下,让它们粘在巧克力上。The moonlight on the calm sea added to the beauty of the scene.宁静海面上的月光使景色更为美丽。Apart from a few nicks in the varnish, the guitar is in very good condition.除了漆面上有几道划痕,这把吉他保养得很好。The sun, glinting from the pool, dazzled me.在太阳的照射下,池面上泛起粼粼波光,让我一时睁不开眼。Sit down and be quiet, for goodness sake!看在老天爷的面上,坐下来安静一下!They made a good start at improving prison conditions, but unless there’s follow-through, the reforms won’t last.他们在改善监狱条件方面上开了一个好头,但是除非他们能够贯彻到底,否则改革不会持久。He found the sealed envelope on the kitchen counter.他在厨房台面上发现了那只封好的信封。She had the ding in the paintwork repaired.她修好了漆面上的一处微损。The gadget can be attached to any vertical or near vertical surface.该装置可以装在任何垂直或近似垂直的平面上Leftover food and unwashed dishes cover the dirty counters.面上又脏又乱,尽是残羹剩菜和未洗的盘子。Two young men were racing motorcycles on the loose gravel.两个小伙子正在松散的砾石路面上赛摩托车。I've spilled some coffee on the seat of the armchair.我不小心把咖啡洒在了扶手椅的椅面上The champagne mantled in the glass.玻璃杯里的香槟酒面上泛起一层泡沫。Roll out the dough on a floured surface.把面团放在撒好面粉的台面上擀薄。Racism operates at many levels, conscious and unconscious.种族主义在许多层面上有意识或无意识地产生影响。Our downhill birdie putts accelerated past the hole on the fast surface.我们下山的小鸟推杆加速越过了快速面上的球洞。As the controls are set flush to the fascia they are easy to wipe clean.控制键和仪表盘安装在一个平面上,容易擦拭干净。Place the fish on a flat surface and sprinkle the flesh with lemon juice and pepper.将鱼放在案面上并在鱼肉上撒柠檬汁和胡椒粉。He stamped snow off his wingtips.他跺脚抖落皮鞋面上的雪。Out of regard for your father, I shall not dismiss you this time.看在你父亲面上,这回我不开除你。Rainfall had dislodged debris from the slopes of the volcano.雨水冲走了火山坡面上的岩屑。Lightly knead the mixture on a floured surface.在撒上面粉的台面上轻揉该混合物。The hot liquid splashed down on the concrete and rebounded.滚烫的液体泼在水泥地面上又溅了起来。The butter will soften if left on the counter overnight.黄油如果在厨房台面上放一夜就会变软。Stop mumbling, for goodness sake.看在老天爷面上,别再咕哝了。You're just going to have to lay it on the line and tell her that her work's not good enough.你就得把这件事摆到台面上,明白无误地跟她讲她的工作没做好。There are marks on the tarmac where the car left the road.那辆汽车冲离马路的那段柏油路面上有痕迹。He scraped the paint from the surface.他把面上的漆刮掉。This jewellery box would be worth a lot of money if the top wasn't chipped.这个珠宝盒如果不是盖面上有缺损的话,可以值很多钱。Remove the dough from the bowl and put it on a floured surface.把面团从碗中取出,放在撒有面粉的台面上




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