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词汇 静脉
例句 When he gets angry, the veins in his forehead pulse. 他发怒时额头的静脉会搏动。Veins are revehent blood vessels.静脉是输回血液的血管。Dark veins branched at his temples.深色的静脉在他的太阳穴处分叉。Three of my veins had furred up and I needed a triple bypass.我有三条静脉出现了堵塞,需要做个三支搭桥手术。The philosopher Seneca opened his veins in his bath.哲学家塞内加在浴缸里割开了自己的静脉It works only in the veins, where the blood flow is slower.它只在静脉里起作用,在静脉中血液流动更慢一些。A network of veins and arteries carries the blood around the body.静脉和动脉组成的血管网络向全身输送血液。Blood circulates through the arteries and veins.血液通过动脉和静脉循环。Just over each temple there were little blue veins.就在两鬓太阳穴上面显露著青色的细小静脉The surgeon tied off the vein.外科医生给静脉结扎。The surgeon clamped the vein.外科医生用钳夹夹住了静脉The surgeon placed catheters through the veins and arteries near the base of the head.外科医生在脑根部的静脉和动脉中放置了导管。




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