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The government made a statement by setting stiff punishments for repeat offenders.政府通过对惯犯制定严惩措施来表明态度。Their basic criticism was that prisons do not reduce the crime rate, they cause recidivism.他们批评的主要着眼点是监狱没有降低犯罪率,反而造就了惯犯。Judges tend to look unkindly on/upon repeat offenders.法官通常对待惯犯很严厉。There seem to be two distinct types of habitual criminals.似乎有两种截然不同的惯犯。The old lags used to joke on the convict boats.多次坐牢的惯犯过去常在囚船上开玩笑。Hardened criminals should not be given bail.惯犯不应交保释放。Experts said the definition could be stretched to cover persistent offenders.专家称这一定义可以延伸,将惯犯也包括进去。He favors harsh punishment for chronic malefactors. 他主张严惩惯犯。 |