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词汇 惬意
例句 There is nothing like percolating coffee over an open campfire.没什么比在篝火上滤煮咖啡更惬意了。A bunch of fresh flowers on the table always looks welcoming.在桌上放一束鲜花看上去总让人感到亲切惬意There's an open air pool at Woodstock that's great when it's really hot.伍德斯托克有一个室外游泳池,天热的时候很惬意It's nice having friends to chat to.有朋友聊聊天是很惬意的。He was sitting comfortably in an armchair by the window.惬意地坐在靠窗的扶手椅里。It was a very pleasant run to the coast.开车到海滨兜风非常惬意Amy tilted her wine in her glass with a luxurious sigh.埃米微倾酒杯晃了晃酒,惬意地舒了一口气。A welcoming fire flickered in the grate.壁炉里的火忽隐忽现,令人感到惬意She opened the door to her bedroom, thinking how restorative a hot bath would feel tonight.她打开了卧室的门,想着今晚洗个热水澡该多么令人惬意It was pleasant strolling among the olive trees.漫步穿行于橄榄树丛中很惬意I was assigned a pleasant, cheery room to work in.给我留了一个舒适惬意的房间工作。The bedroom faced south and was bright and cheerful.卧室朝南,光线充足,非常惬意He was enjoying the feel of the sun on his back.他享受着阳光照在后背上的感觉,十分惬意It was good to be outdoors in the cool of the evening/night.在凉爽宜人的傍晚/夜晚,待在户外甚为惬意The hotel was homely and comfortable.这家宾馆简洁朴素,令人感觉舒适惬意After supper he'd put his feet up and read. It was a pleasant prospect.晚饭后他会支起双腿,歇一歇,看看书。那真是件很惬意的事情。The way across the fields is longer but pleasanter.穿过田间的路远一些,但走起来更惬意She felt snug under the warm blanket.裹在温暖的毯子里,她觉得十分惬意It rests me to watch the kids play skiprope.看孩子们玩跳绳我很惬意We became suspended in some stately never-never land of pleasure, luxury and idleness.我们流连忘返大气、奢华、惬意、闲适的世外桃源。It was pleasant to sit in a sidewalk cafe and watch people pass.坐在路边咖啡馆看着人来人往真是惬意Another glass of wine and she began to feel pleasantly relaxed.又一杯酒喝下后,她开始感到放松惬意It's nice to stay in a home rather than in an anonymous holiday villa.呆在家里比呆在单调乏味的度假别墅里要惬意得多。The restaurant is small and green and very welcoming.这家餐厅小巧精致,绿意盎然,令人感到非常惬意The plump ginger kitten had settled comfortably in her arms and was purring enthusiastically.胖乎乎的姜黄色小猫惬意地躺在她的怀里,大声地打着呼噜。The interior design is pleasingly simple.室内设计简约朴素,令人惬意At dinner, they shared a half carafe of agreeable wine.晚餐时他们分享了半卡拉夫瓶令人惬意的葡萄酒。There is nothing like paddling along a perfectly flat lake.没有什么比在平静的湖上泛舟更惬意的了。They look happy and relaxed as they stroll in the sunshine on a shopping trip.他们漫步于阳光下购物,看上去悠然惬意The lane twists and turns between pleasant but unspectacular cottages.小径在令人惬意而又毫不起眼的村舍间迂回曲折。Outwardly the evening seemed pleasant enough.从表面上看,这个夜晚似乎非常惬意Don't lay it on too thick, but make sure they are flattered.不要吹捧得太露骨,不过一定要恭维得他们很惬意Liz settled back in her seat, comfortably relaxed, enjoying being driven for a change.莉兹舒服放松地倚在座位上,享受着换别人开车的惬意The room was pleasantly warm.这个房间温暖惬意He felt cosy watching the hearth fire.他注视着壁炉的火,觉得舒适惬意His time is remembered as an idyll before the strife that has torn Afghanistan apart.在他的记忆中,阿富汗因冲突四分五裂之前,他的日子一直都过得很惬意She missed Spain and the languor of a siesta on a hot summer afternoon.她怀念西班牙以及炎热夏季里午后小睡的惬意感觉。Everyone should take a turn cleaning the toilets as that is the least pleasant job.大家应该轮流清洁马桶,因为那可不是什么惬意的活儿。The cheerful room was panelled in pine.这个令人惬意的房间镶有松木嵌板。Their work is more cosily hermetic than ever.他们的作品比以往更加令人惬意,远离世俗。




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