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Senator Hopkins has now declared for the tax cuts.参议员霍普金斯现已表态支持减税。We declare for the decision.我们声明赞成这一决定。She declared for the new airport plan.她公开支持修建新机场的计划。They declared for the offer of increased pay.他们声明赞成增加工资的建议。The Catalans declared for Charles and a civil war erupted in Valencia and Aragon.加泰罗尼亚人宣布支持查理,于是一场内战在巴伦西亚和阿拉贡两地爆发。They declared for socialism.他们表示拥护社会主义。Only a month earlier, Mr. Stenholm had declared for the tax cut.仅仅在一个月前,斯滕霍尔姆先生刚刚表示赞成减税。 |