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词汇 道路上
例句 The road to happiness is paved with adversities.通往幸福的道路上布满了坎坷。The road ahead is littered with snags.前进的道路上处处都有障碍。His eyes got sore from the dust of the prairie roads.他的眼睛因受草原道路上尘埃的影响而疼痛发炎。Robberies were common on the lonely roads, so people usually travelled in groups.偏僻的道路上抢劫事件很多,所以人们一般都结伴出行。It was a signal to the populace that the Allies were already well on their way to liberating France.这对民众来说是一个信号,说明同盟国已经顺利地走在解放法国的道路上The bus crawled along the rough and narrow road.公共汽车在颠簸不平的狭窄道路上缓慢前行。We believe that what we have agreed today will be a milestone on the road to true peace and prosperity in our country.我们相信,今天达成的协议将会是我国通往真正和平及繁荣道路上的一座里程碑。His attention was firmly fixed on the road ahead.他的注意力都放在前方的道路上The company is treading a fine line between tradition and innovation.这家公司走在传统与创新结合的道路上The road is strewn with abandoned vehicles.道路上满是弃置的车辆。Opposition demonstrators have erected barricades in roads leading to the parliament building.反对派示威者已经在通往国会大厦的道路上设置了路障。There was heavy traffic on the roads.道路上车流拥挤。She had suffered her own share of slings and arrows in the quest for publicity.在追求成名的道路上,她经历了许许多多的坎坷不平。I thought the obstacles placed in my way were too much.我觉得放置在我道路上的障碍太多了。Traffic ground to a halt on many roads.很多道路上的车辆都慢慢停了下来。Tanks travel over the most difficult ground.坦克能在最难通行的道路上行驶。A drizzling rain turned the dust of the roads into mud.濛濛细雨把道路上的尘土变成泥浆。The dry, cool weather soon settled the fresh tar on the road.干燥、凉爽的天气很快便使道路上新浇的柏油变得干硬了。Can a person who has walked a path of evil all his life really change?一生走在邪恶道路上的人真的能改变吗?There are formidable obstacles in her path.在她前进的道路上有着难以逾越的障碍。We must not allow reaction to stand in the way of progress.我们一定不能让保守主义成为前进道路上的绊脚石。The government took another step on the road to political reform.政府在政治改革的道路上又前进了一步。Disasters accumulated round his path.他人生的道路上灾难成堆。The narrow roads were crowded with holiday traffic.狭窄的道路上挤满了度假者的车辆。They are only part way through the process of improving services.他们在改善服务的道路上还任重道远。The Church of England put a serious obstacle in the path of women who want to become priests.英国国教在妇女成为牧师的道路上设置了重大障碍。Take special care on these icy roads.在这些结冰的道路上走,要多加小心。The number of cars on our roads rose dramatically last year.去年道路上的汽车数量剧增。He drove the car down a bumpy road.他驾车行驶在崎岖不平的道路上Dense fog is making driving conditions difficult on many roads.浓雾使许多道路上行车困难。She hurdled many obstacles on her way to earning a college diploma.她在获取大学毕业文凭的道路上克服了重重障碍。She overcame many hurdles on her way to earning a college diploma.她在获取大学毕业文凭的道路上克服了重重障碍。State-of-the-art suspension guarantees a smooth passage over the bumpiest road.最先进的减震悬架保证汽车在最崎岖不平的道路上也可以平稳通行。This cleared the path for them to marry.这清除了他们结婚道路上的障碍。Demonstrators erected barricades in roads leading to the parliament building.示威者已经在通往议会大厦的道路上设置了路障。We drove along the dusty road.我们在尘土飞扬的道路上行驶。The release of prisoners remains an obstacle in the path of a peace agreement.释放战俘问题仍然是和谈道路上的一个障碍。This one defeat was the only hiccup in the team's steady progress.这次失利只是球队在稳步前进的道路上唯一的小挫折。He has clearly committed his government to continuing down the path of economic reform.他明确地作出保证,他的政府会继续在经济改革的道路上走下去。They saw a car driving along the track behind the house.他们看见一辆汽车在屋后的道路上行驶。




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