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词汇 选举权
例句 She was a strong advocate of women's suffrage.她是女性选举权的坚定倡导者。There was a fierce struggle for women's suffrage in Britain early this century.本世纪初期,英国的妇女为了得到选举权进行了激烈的斗争。Republics will have voting rights proportionate to the size of their economies.各共和国将依经济规模获得相应的选举权It was heroic of those women to fight for the right to vote.那些争取选举权的妇女是非常勇敢的。They will fight tooth and nail for the right to vote.他们将全力为争取选举权而斗争。They were given the franchise a few years ago.数年前他们获得选举权Voting is the prerogative of adult citizens.选举权是成年公民的特权。Women gained the vote within my grandmother's memory.从我祖母记事时起,女性就已获得了选举权Police found that many of the people on the list were ineligible voters.警方发现,名单上有许多是没有选举权的人。In that country, people get the vote at the age of 18.在那个国家,人们年满十八岁获得选举权It seized the chance to earn the gratitude of potential women voters by granting their enfranchisement.它通过给予女性选民选举权而抓住机会,卖给她们一个人情。They struggled for the right to vote.他们为选举权而斗争。The country's constitution was amended to allow women to vote.国家修订了宪法,赋予妇女选举权Women were then denied the right to vote.那时妇女被拒给选举权The right to vote is a base civil right.选举权是公民的一项基本权利。American women worked for decades to win the franchise.经过数十年的抗争,美国妇女赢得了选举权The right to vote is central to our democratic system of government.选举权是民主政府制度的核心。The law gives all citizens the right to vote. = The law gives the right to vote to all citizens.法律赋予所有公民选举权The majority of immigrant workers do not have the vote.侨民劳工大多没有选举权The right to vote is a pillar of democracy.选举权是一项基本民主权利。The group is protesting the denial of voting rights to convicted felons.这个组织对剥夺重罪犯的选举权表示抗议。She was a suffragette and a birth control pioneer.她参加争取妇女选举权的运动,也是节育倡导者。They disenfranchised poor people by making property ownership a requirement for registering to vote.他们把拥有财产定为注册选举的必需条件,从而剥夺了穷人的选举权He had to exercise the franchise on behalf of other council members.他得代表委员会的其他成员行使选举权He is willing to part with his right to vote.他愿意放弃选举权The Voting Rights Act was needed to empower minority groups.选举权法案》对于赋予少数民族自主权是必不可少的。People are campaigning for civil rights and especially for the vote.人们正在发起一场争取公民权,尤其是选举权的运动。The suffragette movement campaigned for votes for women.妇女参政运动旨在为妇女争取选举权利。If you don't get your name on the electoral register you may be disenfranchised.你若没有在选民登记册上登记名字,有可能会失去选举权She was active in the Society for Women's Suffrage.她在争取妇女选举权协会中活动非常积极。Before that, women did not have a vote at all.在那之前,女性根本就没有选举权The granting of the vote represented a watershed for the rights of women.获得选举权标志着女权运动的转折点。The group works in developing countries to increase literacy and enfranchise women.该组织在发展中国家开展工作,提高当地的文化水平,并为妇女争取选举权I have not found a single instance where someone was actually denied their right to vote.我至今还未发现一个有人被真正剥夺选举权的实例。




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