例句 |
The dots are joined up by a line.这些点由一条线连起来。Then, on the bottom of each triangle, he found the midpoint and connected those.然后,他找出每个三角形底边的中点,并将这些中点都连起来。Children begin to combine several gestures into a sequence in their pretend play.孩子们在角色扮演游戏里开始把几个手势连起来做。As speech develops, the child starts to string more words together.随着语言能力不断发展,孩子开始把更多的词连起来说。Use a connector to link the transceiver and the cable.用一个连接器把收发器和电缆连起来。The children are learning to run their letters on.孩子们在学习把字母连起来写。One thing led to another, and—well, you get the picture/idea. 事情的前因后果连起来,这样,后来的事你就可以猜到了。The pencil line connects one box to another.铅笔线把一个方框与另一个方框连起来。Those two lines should be bracketed.那两行应该用大括号连起来。You should let the letters run on, not write them separately.你应该把字母连起来写,不要分开。 |