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例句 Essential oils can be bought from most good health food stores.在大多较好的保健食品店都能买到精油。The better tennis racquets are made out of tough but extremely flexible graphite.质量较好的网球拍是用坚硬而极富弹性的碳素制造的。He was enrolled at one of the better public schools.他被一所较好的公立学校录取了。Tourists have a right to expect a reasonable standard of accommodation.游客们有权期望得到较好的住宿。This ratio of air to fuel results in better combustion.空气与燃料的这种比例会产生较好的燃烧效果。The homeowner wants to trade up.房主想要把旧房作价贴换一幢较好的房子。I'll have to beard the lion in his den when I go to ask my boss for a better job.我要去求老板给我一个较好的工作,到时候将不得不当面同他理论一番。Teachers must provide challenging activities for their more academic pupils.老师们必须为学业成绩较好的学生提供具有挑战性的活动。Clinical trials show that some patients with breast cancer do better if they take the drug for five years after surgery.临床试验显示,一些患乳癌的病人如果手术后服用这种药五年便能取得较好的效果。Banding together allows growers to negotiate a better price for their crop.种植者们联合起来能在谈判中为自己的农产品争取到较好的价格。They were working for a better existence.他们为能过上一种较好的生活而尽力。




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