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词汇 联盟
例句 Government troops launched an offensive against UNITA positions in the north.政府军向争取安哥拉彻底独立全国联盟的北方阵地发动进攻。Truman had been the prime architect of the NATO alliance.杜鲁门是北大西洋公约组织这个联盟的主要缔造者。They want to start a new football league.他们想组建新的橄榄球联盟They entered into an alliance.他们结成了联盟I had coached the Alliance team for some time.我曾在联盟队担任过一段时间的教练。Ballymore rugby union ground has been shortlisted as a possible home for Queensland softball.巴利莫尔橄榄球联盟球场已经被列为昆士兰垒球队的候选主场之一。The alliance's air power brought its adversaries to their knees.联盟的空军力量打垮了敌对者。The jury found that the NFL had violated antitrust laws.陪审团裁定全国橄榄球联盟违反了反垄断法。He praised the union's aims but predicted its early demise.他对联盟的目标表示赞赏,但预言联盟很快会失败。The groups united to form a coalition.不同集团联合起来形成一个联盟We should be able to beat the bottom team in the league.我们应该能够战胜联盟中排名最后的队。Ministers have begun work on the vexed issue of economic union.部长们开始着手处理经济联盟这个棘手的问题。He wants a loose coalition of leftwing forces.他希望左翼力量形成一个松散的联盟Our team has the best defense in the league.我们球队有全联盟最好的防守队员。Two teams were eliminated in the contraction of the baseball league.两支球队在棒球联盟精简过程中被淘汰。The coalition of centre-right parties is rent by dissension between its two leaders.中间党派和右翼党派的联盟由于联盟的两位领导人之间的争吵而处于分崩离析状态。Her case was supported by the Chicago Teachers Federation.她的官司得到了芝加哥教师联盟的支持。He is a past president of the Union.他过去曾担任联盟的主席。His policy risks fracturing the coalition.他的政策有分裂联盟的风险。China's support is key to the success of the coalition.中国的支持是联盟成功的关健。They've entered this new confederacy because the central government's been unable to control the collapsing economy.由于中央政府无力控制逐渐崩溃的经济,所以他们加入了这个新联盟The media have a mania about rugby union.媒体格外青睐英式橄榄球联盟The coalition will face a full-on attack from the Government.这个联盟将面临政府的正面抨击。Don Shula became the youngest head coach in NFL history.唐·舒拉成为了美国橄榄球联盟历史上最年轻的主教练。He proposed a loose federation of local groups.他提议当地的各个团体结成一个松散的联盟The Front has often been dismissed as a cranky fringe group.艺术家联盟常被认为是一个古怪的边缘组织。The article condemns what some say is an unholy alliance between government and media.这篇文章谴责某些人所言是政府和媒体之间的邪恶联盟The Consumer Federation claims banks are ripping you off by not passing along savings on interest rates.消费者联盟声称银行在坑骗客户,因为它们没有把从利率上节省下的钱拿来进行反馈。The new league will be sponsored by Pepsi Cola.联盟将由百事可乐赞助。It was an uneasy alliance.那是一个不稳定的联盟The New England team are the worst in the league.新英格兰队是联盟中最差的队。Australia's rugby union side enjoyed a record-breaking win over France.澳大利亚的英式橄榄球联盟队创纪录地赢了法国队。The Rugby League will haul him up on a disrepute charge.橄榄球联盟将就一项不光彩指控传召他。During the First World War, Turkey allied itself with Germany.在第一次世界大战期间,土耳其与德国结成了联盟It is the aim of the economic union to enable the development of market forces in East Germany.经济联盟的目标是实现东德市场力量的发展。The group split away from the Green Party and formed the Environmental Alliance.这批人脱离绿党,组成了环境联盟The small country allied itself to/with the stronger power.小国和强国联盟The Coalition forces took a shellacking from the army yesterday.联盟的势力昨天被军队击溃。The teams belong to a combine that scouts new players.这些球队同属于一个物色新球员的联盟组织。He's one of the glamour boys of the football league. 他是美式橄榄球联盟中引人注目的帅小伙之一。




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