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例句 He stressed the link between poverty and disease.他强调了贫穷与疾病之间的联系Anybody with shares in the company is urged to contact the receivers to register a claim.凡持有该公司股份者必须与破产管理人联系作所有权登记。They have not contacted me yet.他们尚未和我联系A love of nature links the two poets.对大自然的热爱把两位诗人联系在一起。He believes that Europe must create closer ties or it will perish.他认为整个欧洲必须建立更紧密的联系,否则就会灭亡。Are you still in touch with your friends from college?你还跟大学里的朋友们联系吗?It was difficult to square this behaviour with his religious beliefs.很难把这种行为与他的宗教信仰联系到一起。Many women are alarmed by suggestions of a link between the contraceptive pill and breast cancer.许多妇女听说避孕药和乳腺癌之间存在着某种联系都感到十分担心。The Northern Ireland economy is closely linked to that of the rest of the United Kingdom.北爱尔兰的经济与英国其他地区联系紧密。The newspaper contacted his grandmother to trace his present address, and later doorstepped him at his home.报纸联系了他祖母,查到了他现在的住址后便前往登门采访。Rap groups have been barred from large musical events because they are associated with vandalism.说唱组合一直被禁止参加大型音乐活动,因为人们会把他们同破坏捣乱联系在一起。They immediately got in touch with Dr Ting who was, purely coincidentally, also in California.他们立即与丁博士联系,真是巧得很,他也在加利福尼亚。Interested parties are asked to contact their local representative.有兴趣者请与当地代表联系I've kept in contact with several of my army buddies.我与几位战友保持着联系He was cut off from all his friends when he studied abroad.他在出国留学期间跟所有的朋友中断了联系We're studying the interrelationship between stress and disease.我们正在研究压力与疾病之间的联系Have you kept in touch with your college roommate? 你和大学室友还有联系吗?He was too proud to go to the police and kept the affair quiet.他自尊心太强,不愿联系警方,把事情压下不提。I tried to contact him no fewer than ten times.联系了他不下十次。Sometimes it is necessary to break family ties in order to protect the child.有时候为了保护孩子必须切断他和家人的联系Her work explores the links between violence and gender relations.她的作品探讨暴力与性别关系之间的联系She had cut herself off, and when David left her she had no one to turn to.她跟谁都不联系,所以戴维离开她之后,她没有一个人可以求助。Poverty and crime are inextricably linked.贫穷和犯罪有着不可分割的联系Other army units are completely surrounded and cut-off from communication with their superiors.其他陆军部队被重重包围,和上级的联系也被切断了。Strong family ties still linked them together.牢固的家庭纽带依然把他们联系在一起。It's up to the individual concerned to contact the police.应该由相关人员来决定是否与警方联系Broadly, it makes connections between ideas about healing and how they link to plants.笼统说来,它将治疗理念和如何与医疗设备相结合联系了起来。Contact the bank and cancel all your cards.联系银行注销你所有的卡。I lost touch with her, much to my regret.很遗憾的是,我和她失去了联系Local residents should contact the police if they notice anything unusual.当地居民如果发现任何异常情况应与警方联系I can probably reach him on his mobile.我打他手机也许可以联系上他。Contact the Coastguard immediately if you see a boat in trouble.如看到船只遇险,请立即与海岸警卫队联系He claims a connection to British royalty.他声称与英国王室有联系There is no obvious correlation between profit and top managers' pay.利润和最高级经理人员的薪金之间无明显联系After the war they lost track of each other.战后他们就失去了联系Rowan whole-heartedly agreed that the company needed to do more to improve its ties to the community.罗恩完全同意公司得多做些事来加强与社区的联系I know for a fact that Graham has kept in close touch with Alan.我知道格雷厄姆确实与艾伦保持着密切的联系My doctor put me in touch with a psychiatrist.我的医生为我联系了一位精神科医生。He couldn't imagine why he had let so much time pass without contacting her.他想不通自己为什么过了那么长时间还没有和她联系I'll be in touch once I've got my exams over.我考完试后马上和你联系




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