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词汇 cries
例句 There were cries/howls of protest when the verdict was announced.裁决宣布时出现了一阵反对的呼喊声。Passers-by heard his cries for help.路过的人听到了他求救的呼喊。Legend has it that the Bridge of Sighs got its name from the cries of prisoners being led across it.传说叹息桥的名字源于囚犯过桥时发出的叹息声。She usually says she'll be there and then cries off at the last minute.她通常都说会去,而最后关头又改变主意。The job cries out for someone who's not afraid to take chances.这份工作需要敢于冒险的人来做。Mary cries if the teacher does not handle her with kid gloves.如果教师不耐心和气地对待玛丽,她就会哭。She always picks up her baby when he cries.孩子一哭她就会把他抱起来。The announcement brought cries of protest from the crowd.公告在人群中引发了抗议的呼声。Mom always cries at weddings.妈妈在婚礼上总要落泪。The company's deal with the government has brought cries/accusations of foul play from its competitors.有指责称这家公司与政府之间的交易存在非法勾当。We could hear their desperate cries for help.我们可以听到他们绝望的呼救声。I could hear her pathetic cries for help.我能听到她可怜的呼救声。This is a disgraceful state of affairs and cries out for a thorough investigation.整个事件很不光彩,亟须彻查。To cries of "Shame!", the minister announced that taxes were being increased.在一片“可耻”的指责声中,部长宣布加税。They were wakened by cries of "Fire!" from the next room.他们被隔壁房间里传来的“着火了”的叫声惊醒了。He tried to yell out, but the hand muffled his cries.他想大喊,可是这只手捂住了他的喊叫。Cats' cries have an unearthly quality.猫的叫声令人毛骨悚然。In response to cries of protest, two ministers resigned.作为对抗议呼声作出的回应,有两位部长辞职。She cuddled her baby to still its cries.她抱着自己的宝宝,哄他不哭。By a fortunate coincidence, a passer-by heard her cries for help.正巧有人路过听到了她的呼救。The only sounds were the distant, melancholy cries of the sheep.只听得见远处羊群的哀鸣。The children were playing a game and their happy cries echoed through the house.孩子们在玩游戏,他们愉快的叫声在屋里回响。If he cries when you put him down after a feed, try winding him.如果你喂完后把他放下时他哭,给他拍拍嗝儿。The noise of the wind made her cries inaudible.风声很大,她的呼叫声都听不到了。He was too weak to raise even the smallest of cries.他太虚弱了,连轻轻叫一声的力气都没有。The verdict has been met with cries of outrage. 人们对判决感到十分愤慨。The cries of the seagulls gave this part of the harbour a fascinating character all of its own.海鸥的鸣叫声给这片海港带来了迷人的独特气息。It's excruciating when your child cries at the thought of seeing you.当你的孩子一想到要见你就大哭的时候,那种感觉太痛苦了。A resident of the flats heard her cries for help and called the police.公寓里的一位住户听见了她的呼救报警了。When your baby feels hungry, he cries and, lo and behold, food magically appears.你的宝贝儿感到饿了,他哭了起来,然后,真怪,食物像魔法一般出现了。This problem cries out for a long-term, open-minded, systematic search.这个问题十分需要长期的、不带偏见的、系统的探索研究。She's a perfect baby. She hardly cries and she sleeps through the night.她真是个乖宝宝,很少哭闹,而且整夜熟睡。Do you hear the cries of the gulls?你听到那些海鸥的鸣叫声吗? He cries a lot because he's teething.他常常哭叫,因为他正出牙。The birds' loud cries startled me.鸟儿的大声鸣叫吓了我一跳。There have been cries of outrage about this expenditure.这项开支遭到了一些人愤怒的指责。We heard a child's cries for help coming from the river.我们听到河那边传来一个小孩喊救命的声音。His cries mingled with theirs.他的叫喊声与他们的交织在了一起。They mocked his cries for help. 他们通过模仿他的呼救声来取笑他。The officer on the beat picks up information; hears cries for help; makes people feel safe.值勤警员注意观察情况,对救援呼叫及时反应,确保让百姓有一种安全感。




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