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词汇 credit card
例句 The bank canceled my credit card.银行把我的信用卡销户了。They may use a credit card for convenience.为了方便,他们可以使用信用卡。Please write your credit card number on this form.请把你的信用卡号写在这张表格上。She paid for the goods by means of a stolen credit card.她用偷来的信用卡买东西。He got involved in a credit card scam.他卷入了一桩信用卡欺诈案。She was finding it difficult to make even the minimum payment on her credit card.她发现她连信用卡最低还款额都还不上。Using a credit card to pay for an order is simplicity itself.用信用卡支付订单再简单不过了。Punch your credit card number into the keypad.在小键盘上输入你的信用卡号。You can pay for your purchase in one/either of two ways: by cash or by credit card.购物付款可用两种支付方式之一:现金或信用卡。A criminal gang hacked into a credit card company's most secure files.一个犯罪集团侵入了一家信用卡公司的绝密档案系统。She ran up huge debts on her credit card.她信用卡上积累了巨额债务。You will receive your credit card in approximately two weeks.你将会在大约两个星期之后收到信用卡。If you would like to make a credit card donation, ring us now.如果你想用信用卡捐款,现在就给我们打电话。She paid for the hotel by credit card.她用信用卡支付了酒店费用。I put the bill on my credit card.我把账记在信用卡上。Keep your credit card in a safe place.请将信用卡存放在安全的地方。Take great care when uploading personal information such as your address or credit card number.上传地址、信用卡号码等个人资料要格外小心。The new multi-purpose bank card gives access to your checking accounts and can also be used as a credit card.这种新的多用途银行卡既可以使用活期存款账户,又可用作信用卡。I should just take the money out of my savings and pay off my credit card.我只得从存款中取钱去支付信用卡的账单。When you have entered your credit card information, go to the next screen.输入信用卡资料后,进入下一页。Check that the buyer's name matches the name on the credit card.核实购买者的姓名与信用卡上的姓名是否一致。Under the pretext of checking her identity, the man had copied down her credit card details.那个男的以检查她的身份为借口抄下了她信用卡的详细资料。If you lose your credit card, phone this number immediately.如果丢失信用卡了,请立即拨打这个电话。He extracted a credit card from his wallet.他从钱包里抽出一张信用卡。The credit card eliminates the need for cash or cheques.有了信用卡就不需要使用现金或支票了。Never give out your credit card number to anyone over the phone.绝对不要在电话里向任何人透露你的信用卡号。American Express heightens credit card interest rate.美国运通提高了信用卡利率。Neither of them possessed a credit card.他们两人都没有信用卡。The credit card is then accepted, subject to verification of the signature.这张信用卡经核查签名后被接受。If the property needs a new dishwasher, no problem, just put it on a credit card.如果住所需要一个新的洗碗机,没问题,用信用卡买一个就可以了。She finally ended months of worry over her credit card debt when she finished paying off her bill.付清账单后,她终于一扫数月以来对她的信用卡欠款的担忧。Most credit card issuers have set limits on how low rates can go.多数信用卡发行机构都设有费用低限。Notify your credit card company of any change of address.地址若有变更,请通知你的信用卡公司。Someone stole my credit card and forged my signature.有人偷了我的信用卡,并假冒我的签名。Both cardholders and credit card companies are protected, while the retailer foots the cost.持卡人和信用卡公司都受到保护,支付费用的是零售商。Payments should be made by credit card or bank draft in US dollars.必须通过信用卡或银行汇票以美元支付。The credit card business is down, and more borrowers are defaulting on loans.信用卡业务出现了下滑,而且越来越多的借款者都不按期还款。My only means of identification was my credit card.唯一能证明我身份的就是我这信用卡了。Think before you punch in your credit card number.在你输入信用卡号码之前好好想一下。We need the expiry date on your credit card.我们需要知道你的信用卡的有效期限。




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